Chapter 30

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-Tal's POV-


I scrolled through Instagram checking out all the cringe pictures my fans posted of me and some of Lilia, while she was sleeping on my shoulder.

We are currently in an uber driving to the airport to go back to California. It was a good experience being in Canada.


The uber pulled up to the parking space and i payed and we got out. We only had like a hour till we have to be on the plane and the airport is packed with people. shit.

First we dropped of our suitcases as fast as possible and rushed to the other parts.

After that we only had about 15 minutes till the gate opens. We grabbed a box of chicken nuggets and some Starbucks and ate pretty fast to finish in time.

I could tell Lilia wasn't very happy but i couldn't do much since she almost chocked me in the uber when i tried making jokes to cheer her up.

Some fans came up to her and asked for a picture and i could tell she was gonna say no but she gave in and put on a fake smile. It hurt to see her upset but you know. She also probably didnt want the fans to post it since she had sweatpants and a simple shirt on  and no makeup. 

"Flight 692 to California please start heading to the gate now, the plane will be boarding soon." the woman spoke through the loud speaker. 

We said bye to the fans and went over to the gate. We went into our line and gave our tickets and that shit.

We got on the plane and this time i sat next to the window and she sat next to me. The flight attenders showed us all the safety things and the captain said all his stuff and the next thing i know we were in air. 

Lilia took her iPad out and her headphones and set up a movie she saved earlier. She handed me one of the ear buds. We began watching the movie.


We landed in California safely and smoothly. We got out of the plane and headed for the bags. Luckily there were no fans to nag about pictures. i love meeting my fans but right now isn't a good time.

"We need to go to Adi's house to get the animals" i say walking out with her

"Yeah i know lets get an uber there" she said taking her phone out and calling them.

5 minutes later they arrive so i give them Adi's address and they go there. Lilia fell asleep again, i swear to god she would fall asleep anywhere, she already fell asleep on the couch a lot of time. I wonder if she ever fell asleep in a bathtub?

Shortly we pulled up at his house, we payed the uber and Lilia ordered another one. We could of taken the same one but you know.

I walked up to the door step with Lilia following close behind, and i rang the doorbell.

"Hey bro wasup" Adi said bro hugging me

"hey bro" i say back 

Lilia just stands there looking at us rising an eyebrow. She really isn't in the mood and just wants to go home.

"Hey Lilia" Adi said giving her a small hug

"hi" she replied with

"come on in the animals are in the kitchen" Adi said stepping out of the way so we can come in.

We walked in and Perky immediately came running to Lilia.

"PERKY BABY" Lilia yelled hugging the small dog.

My cat comes running too dont worry hahah.

We thank Adi and take the animals and go.


Once we got in Lilia dropped her bags and just went straight for the couch and just flopped on it not saying  a word.

I laughed to myself taking the bags upstairs.

We will unpack them later.

i sat next to her and checked if she was asleep, ad what did you guess of course she was asleep. But once i moved from the couch she woke up.

"i swear to god you fall asleep anywhere haha" i joked

"haha funny" she rolled her eyes laughing

"Im gonna go take a bath i'll be back in some time, make some healthy food and put on Keeping up with the Kardashians on and i'll be happy" she says winking and walking upstairs.

I took that as a command and went straight to the kitchen and made some sorta healthy thing.

I did it because 1 i love her and 2 she might suffocate me with a pillow if i dont. Oh and she's extra moody cuz shes on her period. I think, but i dont go looking for bloody tampons, thats gross.


Lilia walked downstairs in her bathroom robe and a towel on her head and sat down.

"Dont worry im not naked i have my pjs on but im cold." she says laughing taking it off.

"haha ok" 

We chilled for the rest of the night like normally, then went to bed.


Oh. My. God

Guys. WE HIT 2K 

tysm to all the support on this book, although it makes no sense still 

thank you all i love you babies xoxoxooxoxoxo

i know 2k aint alot but its alot to me :)

Next chapter gonna be pretty funny, well ill try make it funny lmao

lyl angels


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