Chapter 52

493 11 11

-Lilia's POV-

I woke up on a couch.

Not my own but Ashanti's.

With people next to me.

I was cuddled in with Jojo.


I got up with a massive headache and to make it even worst i thought of Tal.

I miss him.

But i can't take him back.

Without waking anyone i walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water.

I sipped it quietly and thinking about yesterday although i didn't want to.

Then Ashanti walked into the kitchen.

"Morning Lil" she said giving me a hug.

"Morning" I say with a weak smile.

"How did you sleep? You seemed comfy" she smirked.

"Oh shut up, I slept fine" I say smacking my head since my headache was only getting worst.

"I have a massive headache can I have some Advil or something?" I asked and she nodded.

"So when do you think you're ready to talk to Tal?" She asked before handing me the pills.

"I don't know" I say remembering what he did.

"I mean you don't have to but you know"

"Actually scrap that, I wanna talk to him today. I can't stand this" I say making her gasp.

"But he exposed you" she said rising her eyebrow.

"You know what I don't care anymore I just wanna talk to him so please take me to his house later" I say before swallowing the pills.

"Thank you for everything Ash, I love you" I say to her hugging her again.

"Aww babe I love you too" She said making me blush.

No I'm not thinking about being les or bi.

I'm straight.


"One more" I say to Nick who is kinda annoyed with me.

We are in Ashanti's room taking selfies since I don't have many with him.

"Ok but just one more" he chucked.

I nod and laugh along.

"This is cute, I'm posting" I say showing him the picture.

"Cute tag me" He winked.

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Liked by liliac2, tilia, nickmayorga and 56,781 others

LiliaTheLilac Goofy :P

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Liliac2 cuties

bleachypeach u moved on fast

ceena can I have my phone back now?

Im using Ceena's phone because mine is broke and shit.

"Alright this photoshoot is over" I laughed before heading out the door to give Ceena back his phone.

"Here, thanks for letting me use it" I said before handing Ceena his phone back.

"No problem" he smiled.

I went over to Ashanti's room and walked in.

Clearly at the wrong time because Ash was making out with Adi.

I slowly backed out letting them carry on.

I went back downstairs and sat down next to Micheal and Anthony.

"Sup" Anthony said in a super low voice.

"Sup" I say back in a really high pitched voice.

"Look at this little fluff ball" Micheal said with Perky in his hands.

I laughed and stroked him.

We all laughed and just messed around until Ash came downstairs along with Adi.

"Lilia you ready?" She asked grabbing her keys.

I nod and put on my shoes.

"Good luck" Everyone said and I thanked them all.

We both got into the car and Ashanti began driving to Tal's house.

"So how did you enjoy your make out session with Adi" I smirked pissing her off.

"It was good" she said giggling a bit.

We talked about random shit until we got to the house.

Oh boi, here we go.

I have summer holidays meaning 6 weeks off :)

I'm going to update more often because I'll have more time to

Tysm for 7K it means so much to me <3


IG: reactionehoe

I'm also writing a Jojo fanfic so stay tuned for that ;)

-Tina xx

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