Chapter 41

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-Lilia's POV-

"Ashanti promise you will not tell anyone about this" I say to her dead serious.

Its currently almost 1 in the morning and Ash is listening to my covers. 

I ended up telling her since i can trust her. It's not like i can't trust Tal. Its just he might tell the world about it.

I already got enough hate and got bullying for it so i don't need anymore more.

"Ugh i'm gonna watch some tv" I say walking away trying to distract myself from this torture.

I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. The news channel was on.

"2 women got arrested and will be serving some time in prison for kidnapping and harassing a 17 year old boy living in Michigan, They are both sisters and go by the name Emma and Susan" 

Wait what. 

I stare at the tv in utter shock. They. Got. Arrested. 

This means they won't go in between my relationships? 

I was freaking out inside, i was that happy.

"ASH GUESS WHAT" I yelled to her jumping like a 6 year old.

"WHATTTT" She yelled excited


She accepted and squeezed me to the point where i was short for air.

We pulled apart and started squealing.

"Does Tal know about this?" She asked 

"Well it's 1:27 AM so he's probably asleep but i'll tell him in the morning" I say grinning

We ended up watching Beauty life hacks on Youtube and looking for things online to buy.


"Your Poptart is ready" Ashanti said to me giving me the hot treat. Not the healthiest breakfast but i need it ok.

"So are you gonna back to Tal's?" She asked brushing her black bangs out the way.

"Yeah i will later i guess" I say yawning at bit. We stayed up all night long.

"Later on my friend is having a party, wanna come?" She asked munching on her Poptart.

"A party? What sort?" I asked. I'm not a party person. I would rather stay at home.

"Like a party with people and maybe some alcohol." She said cheekily

"I don't know to be honest my wrist is still broken and i'm not a big party fan, plus i probably won't convince Tal to come" I say with a bit of a frown.

"Ok how about if i invite some of my friends so you can meet them?" She suggested

"Where and when and are they girls?" 

"Yes there is 4 girls and i'll get them to come later to my house, you can bring Tal with you, i'm inviting Adi and everyone else" She said with a smirk

"Fine i'll come just text me when i should head to your house" I say and she nodded.

"I'm gonna go take a shower i'll be back in soon" I say getting up and putting the plate in the sink in the kitchen.

"Ok if you want you can use my makeup" She yells and i yell back.

I go upstairs and close the bathroom door. Her bathroom is so nice.

I strip out of my cloths and step in the shower. It's hard doing things with just 1 arm but i can manage and i only have like 1 or 2 weeks until i get to take this cast of.

The water hits my body and i feel relaxed. I forget all my worries and just carry on with my shower.

After it, i got out and dried myself of then got back into my cloths. When i get home i'm changing then going to sleep.

I began doing my makeup which was just some mascara and doing my eyebrows a bit. 

I put on the smallest bit of concealer and powder to mask my bags under my eyes.

I head downstairs to find Ashanti watching some kind of Korean drama.

"Can you drive me home babes" I say laughing a bit.

"Sure boo get in the car" She laughed

I got my shoes on and went to the car. I then got in and waited for her.

She shortly came and we began driving to the house.

Once we got there i thanked her and got out.

Slowly walking up to the door step the door opened before i could open it myself.

"Good morning Lilia" Tal said with a annoyed face.

"Uh hi" I say trying to get past him which worked but he shut the door closed.

"Do i need to put a lock on the house so you can't get out?" He asked. 

I got mad. Does he think i can't go anywhere without his permission?

"Are you gonna lock me in like a prisoner? I'm going to go wherever i want to go and you can't stop me!" 

"Lilia where were you last night" He asked ignored what i said last

"At Ashanti's" I say looking down

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked like he was my dad and i was a 13 year old who sneaked out.

"Because i don'y have to" i smirked which drove him crazy.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU" He shouted which surprised me a bit

I honestly didn't have anything to say. I bowed my head down knowing he was right.

"I'm sorry ok" I mumble 

"I'm sorry too just tell me next time please" He said giving me a hug.

"I'm going to Ashanti's later and you're coming too" I say hoping he won't get mad.

"Sure what time"

"She will text me when, now i have to go get changed and take a nap" 

"Also can you get me some Advil, my head kills" I also say

"Yup i'll be up in a minute" He said letting me go and yeah.

I went upstairs and got changed into some shorts and a loose top. 

Shortly he came back and gave me the pills.

After swallowing them i fell right to sleep.


Guys i promise there will be another chapter today, i feel so bad for not updating so often :(

I'm also updating Angels and Sinners so go read that too :)))

 Our goal is to hit 5k reads before this book ends so i would appreciate it if you shared it so more people can see it :))

I'm so grateful for the support ily all babies xoxo


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