Chapter 57

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-Lilia's POV-

Oh no a fan...

My heart stopped for a second and i completely zooned out for a second. My vision got blurry and all i could see was colours and  figure running towards me. 

I snapped back to reality and realised she was in front of me.

"Oh my god Lilia!" She yelled happily jumping up and down. I smiled and pushed the bad thoughts away.

"Can i get a picture please!" She said taking her phone out and going on Snapchat.

"Yeah sure" I stutter. Shit i must of sounded so scared. 

I posed for a few photo's with her hoping that's all she wanted from me.

"So when are you gonna post on your Youtube channel again? I miss your videos, especially with Tal!" She asked making my heart drop to my stomach.

"Uh, soon haha" I played it off cool hoping she won't mention my old channel.

"Oh and by the way you have a great singing voice and you were so cute! I hope you still post covers!" She said and i almost fainted. Fuck she knows.

"Uh, i'm not sure butttt yeah" I said probably sounding like an idiot. I was just hoping she won't ask me anything else.

"Oh and by the way are you and Tal still dating?" She asked.

"Yeah we are ok" I gave her a weak smile.

"That's good to know, anyways thank you so much!" She said hugging me. She finally walked away and i laid back down. I sighed and thought about what she said. 

I really should try to film a video and explain everything to my fans. It would be the best thing to do.

Tal soon came back with the drinks. He handed me mine and sat down next to me.

"Are you alright? You don't look too good" He said placing his hand on my forehead to check my temperature.  

"Yeah i'm ok, just a fan came up to me and asked me questions about you know" I say to him. He gave me a confused look.

"Maybe you should speak out about it soon?" He suggested and i nodded.

"I know i will" I say to him putting my sunglasses on. Tal smirked and raised an eyebrow. He probably is planning something evil.

"Wanna go for a swim" He asked with a evil grin glued onto his face. 

"Maybe later, i wanna tan for now" I say. He got up and looked down on me. He quickly picked me up and was now running towards the water with me.

"TAL PUT ME DOWN!" I yell at him. 

"NO TAL DON'T THROW ME!" I scream but he didn't listen. He let go of me and threw me into the water. I was in the air for a moment then in the water the second.

I swam back to the surface and looked around for him. He was laughing at me at the shore. I furrowed my eyebrows and ran to him.

I splashed him and he screamed like a little girl.

"HA THAT'S WHAT YOU GET!" I laugh splashing him more. He splashed me more and a war broke out between us.

We kept on splashing our selves with the salty water until we both got really tired. We went back to our stuff and both laid down to tan for a little bit.

"Wanna get ice cream?" I asked and he nodded. I got up and walked over to an ice cream place they had at the beach.

"2 vanilla's please" I asked the man working there. He smiled and nodded. 

The man scooped the ice cream into the waffle cones and handed them to me. I passed him over the money and made my way back to spot where me and Tal where.

 "Here's your ice cream" I say handing him the waffle cone withe the ice cream in it. He thanked me and we began eating this cold treat.

We then tanned for a little bit more until it started getting dark.

"We should totally come back for the sunset" Tal suggested and i smiled.

"Yup we should"



i have been on holiday for the past week and i havent got a chance to go on wattpad sadly but dont worry im back now :)

Since im so bad at updating there will be a new chapter every Sunday :))

Thank you so much for all the votes and views it means sooo much to me <3

Sadly this book is coming to its ed but a sequel is coming!!


IG: reactionehoe

-Tina xoxo

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