Chapter 60

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-Lilia's POV-

The next day

It was the next day and we were all getting ready to go out to the mall today. 

I decided to wear a bandeau top with a pair of ripped jeans and a very thin jacket to go over the top. My hair was in a messy bun and my makeup was extra today. 

Ashanti wore a spaghetti strap maroon shirt with black skinny jeans and her hair was in a pony tail with her wispy fringe. Rita had her curly hair down and was wearing a white crop top with adidas leggings. 

"So we're gonna grab food at the mall" Rita says putting her hairbrush down and giving us both a cheery smile.

"Ok, what should we get?" Ashanti asks.

"I was maybe thinking like Taco Bell or In n Out? But we can get whatever you want" Rita responds.

"In n Out sounds good, im craving a burger" I say rubbing my stomach slightly making them both chuckle at my behaviour.

"Same haha" Ashanti adds. 

Once we were all ready, i called an uber for us and once that arrived we hopped into the car and Rita told the man the location of the mall.

I took that time to text Tal.

Lilia: Im going to the mall now :)

Tal: ok have fun x

I turned my phone off and smiled to myself.

In no time we got to the mall, we all thanked the uber driver and i paid him. 

We got out and started walking inside. 

"So where should we go first?" Rita asks smiling.

"Maybe like Forever 21?" I point to the busy store full of cute cloths.

"Yeah, and we need to go to MAC, i need to buy a new lipstick" Ashanti adds.

"Ok, lets go then" Rita says as her eyes lit with happiness. 

We walked into the store and immediately ran up to a cute shirt that was baby pink. It didn't cost too much and it was available im different colours.

"Im gonna get this blue one!" Ashanti squeals picking up one of the small light blue tops.

"Im getting this one" Rita accidentally yells grabbing a purple one.

"i guess i'll get this one" I laugh taking a pink version of those tops.

"Yay, we're going to match, well kinda" Ashanti says like a kid.

Me and Rita laugh while carrying on looking through the cloths.

Once we were done, we paid for all of our items and went to different stores.


"I'm getting hungry, how about you guys" Rita asks.

"Yeah, i really want a burger" I add.

"Me too, lets go to In n Out now" Ashanti says. 

We began making our way to the fast food place. I'm pretty surprised not many fans came up to today, some did but not many which was good making it a nice relaxed day.

We sat at a booth and grabbed the menu's. Me, Rita and Ashanti picked our food and Ashanti went up to order.

"So, hows today going for you?" I asked politely trying to start a conversation with Rita.

"It's honestly one of the best days in my life, thank you so much for doing this for me" Rita says warming my heart.

"Aww, it's ok, its a thank you for being such a awesome supporter and helping me through everything" I smile at her. 

Ashanti soon came with out foods and we began eating.

"We should call Tal later, i bet he wants to talk to us" I laugh stuffing a fry in my mouth.

"Omg we should" Rita says almost bursting out in laughter.

Once we were done with our yummy food, we contained to shop.


This was meant to be posted yesterday lmao im sorry

Hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter lol

this book is soon ending :( but dw a sequel will come :)

love you all babies

IG: reactionehoe

-Tina xox

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