Chapter 59

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-Lilia's POV-

We finally landed in Arizona after a short flight which seemed to go on forever.

Once the plane fully stopped, we got out quickly to meet Rita's mom who was going to take us back to surprise Rita herself.

Once we got our suitcases we went over to the area to meet Rachel, Rita's mom.

"Hey i think thats her" Ashanti said pointing to a middle aged woman with short blonde hair and pretty green eyes.

I nodded and we both walked up to her.

"Ah! Hey girls, i'm Rachel, Rita's mom" She greeted us with a huge smile and shook both of our hands.

"Yea i'm Lilia and thats Ashanti" I say returning the smile.

"Hi! Nice to meet you" Ashanti said also smiling. Rachel smiled at her too.

"Alright lets go to the car then girls" Rachel said motioning for us to follow her.

I tried my best to hide my face so no one recognises me right now and it worked luckily. We got to her car quickly and i got in the back while Ashanti sat in the front with Rachel.

I thought it would be a good idea to text Tal to let him know i got to Arizona safely.

Lilia: I arrived in Arizona in one piece :)

Tal: Glad your'e ok :)

Lilia: Im on my way to Rita's now so i'll text you when i will get there

Tal: ok love u

Lilia: love u too

He was pretty quick to respond which was good so i wouldn't have to wait until he replies.

Rachel put the radio on for us to listen to while we drive.


We finally arrived at the house and Rachel gets out first to open the door for me. I thank her.

"We have to be quiet so Rita thinks its only me" She says with a small laugh. We both giggle and nod.

We grabbed our suitcases and quietly went inside once Rachel unlocked the door.

"HONEY IM HOME" Rachel shouted to Rita which she responded with an 'ok'.

"Go upstairs she's there" Rachel said to both me and Ashanti and we nodded in agreement.

We made our way up as quite as possible to surprise Rita.

"I think this is her room" Ashanti whispered pointing to a white door in front of us. I gave her a nod before opening the door and walking in.

"Hey" I say to Rita who turned around quickly. She covered her mouth and ran to hug me.

"OH MY GOD LILIA" She managed to get out. Her voice was full of happiness and excitement.

"HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE" she questioned pulling apart for a second. I could see the small tears in her eyes. Of course happy tears.

"ASHANTI!" She yelled happily hugging her too.

"We came to surprise you and will be staying for a couple of days" Ashanti says hugging her back.

"Oh my goodness thank you so much!!!!" She said hugging us both.

Seeing her happy just made my whole day. It made me so happy.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)
Sadly this book is very close to ending :(
New chapter Sunday 😋
Also dw I am working on Angels and Sinners and will be updating very soon

IG: reactionehoe
-Tina xx

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