Chapter 38

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-Lilia's POV-

I kinda stood there confused. Tal was very fidgety and wouldn't look me in the eyes. Odd.

He muttered something under his breath which sounded like Ok here it goes.

I began panicking. I looked at him uneasy.

"You dont deserve this" He muttered but i heard.

"Deserve what?" 

"Ikissedmel" He said so fast i didn't catch anything.

"What?" I asked confused.

He took a deep breath and began.

"I kissed Mel. It wasnt me who started this she is the one that came on me, im so sorry i know im an asshole" He said looking down.

I gulped loudly. Trying my best to not start bawling my eyes out. I couldn't hold it for long though. A few tears slipped out and dripped onto my cheeks.

I had no words to say, i just stood there not moving.

Tal tried to hug me but i backed away and just went upstairs. 

I locked myself in my room and just cried and cried and cried.


I cried for at least 2 hours before actually thinking about what happened. Tal tried getting in the room a couple of times but there was no hope.

I think he went somewhere because i cant hear him at all.

But it was just 1 kiss? Should i forgive him? I'm over reacting about this.

I wiped my tears and got my shit together then made my way downstairs.

Turns out Tal is still home laying on the couch with his kitty and Perky.

"Oh my god Lilia please let me explain!"  He jumped up when he heard my light footsteps.

I stayed quiet but nodded. I couldn't help but just hug him. I know i shouldn't but i just had to.

"Look Me is the one that kissed me, i thought that she wanted to hang out at a park but it was her house and then she made me watch 50 shades o-" I cut him of by just lightly pecking his non existence lips. (Im sorry but they r so thin, hshhbshjsasanb jkkkss) 

We pulled away and just kinda stared into each others eyes.

"Look i forgive you but just please don't let this happen again" I say.

Perky then started barking probably because he needed to go outside. 

"Im taking Perky out to the backyard stay here" I say getting up and grabbing Perky into my arms and walking to the door.

I walked out of the house and breathed in the fresh air. It felt good.

I watched at Perky jumped around the backyard and enjoying him self. My baby.

I stood there thinking about all the events that happened to me ever since i came to California.

I got kidnapped then i ended up at McDonald's ? I got kicked in the stomach by fans? I have no clue what my life has come to.

I realised my youtube channel may be dying so i need to upload a video.

I grabbed Perky and went back inside.

"Im gonna go film a video" I say looking down at my cast. Fuck i can't wait till i can get it of.

"How are you gonna do that without one" Tal asked smirking and rising an eyebrow at me.

"Shit i forgot" I say sighing

"You can use mine if you want" He said.

"No its fine" I say flopping onto the couch next to him.

"OWW FUCK" i yell because my stupid self hit my wrist against the hard arm of the chair.

"Wow careful! Are you okay?" Tal asked taking a look at my busted wrist.

"Yes i'm fine but it hurts." I say grabbing the tv remote with my free hand.

He simply nodded.

I clicked on Netflix and put on Friends  because its funny and shit.


GUYYYYSSS WE HIT 3K !!!11!!!!!!111!!

I honestly almost cried like i'm not joking.

Thank you for all the support this book is getting its a dream come true :)

Anyways, sorry for not updating for a couple of days i was a bit busy.

I'm also working on another chapter for my other book Angels and Sinners!  It would be cool if you guys went to check it out ;)

Also is it ok to cry over cute puppies and kittens? Because thast what i did lmao im sorry..

Also im sorry if this book is a mess when i began writing it i didn't have a plan for it like i do now so if you have any questions feel free to ask. 

Characters like Jamie probs wont even be in this story anymore, tbh i forgot they were even in this book. I kinda forgot what happened lmao


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