Chapter 33

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-Lilia's POV-

I woke up around 1 pm. Tal left already to hang out with his friends leaving me all alone but i dont mind.

I got up and walked downstairs and made myself a simple bowl of cereal for myself. Today i was gonna have a chill day, film videos, take selfies and play with the animals. 

Once i ate i went back up stairs and took a shower. I got dressed into a beige cropped jumper and some plain black leggings with fluffy socks :)

I did my makeup which was just my eyebrows, concealer and mascara.

I put my hair up in a messy bun and i was done. I went into Tal's room where i left my camera and grabbed it. Now i have to go get my laptop from downstairs. 

I started walking downstairs when something really bad happened.

I slipped and flew right down the stairs right on the floor hitting my wrist so hard on the banister. The worst thing is i heard it crack.

I lifted my head up and looked at it and it was all swollen and somehow twisted, it hurt so much i began crying. 

I couldn't even stand up to get my phone. I just sat there on the floor crying with probably a broken wrist. To add to that my camera smashed and was now in pieces.

I managed to stand up and grab my phone with my opposite hand. I really didn't want to text Tal because its gonna get him worried and he will have to take me to the hospital to get my wrist checked out. I cant text Ashanti either cuz she's working.

I didn't have much time since my wrist hurt eve more and it was swelling.

I decided to call him.


"HeY UmM" I began and stared crying.

"Hey are you ok?" he asked with a worried tone

"uhh um no i think i broke my wrist" 


"i slipped down the stairs and fell straight onto my wrist and my camera smashed."

"wow hold up im coming back now dont do anything just put ice on it"

"wait no im fine"

"no you're not im coming home" with that he ended, i cant stop him now.

5 minutes later i heard the front door open and slam shut.

"Lilia oh my god what did you do?" Tal said hugging me but being careful about my hand.

"I told you i fell down the stairs" i say 

"Let me see" He said removing the ice pack

"Wow thats broken we need to go to the hospital" he said getting up and grabbing his car keys again

"We really dont need to it hurts but still"

"No we are going now lets go"

I had no choice but to go with him or he would drag me there.

We got there in less then 10 minutes and went straight to emergency.

Why the fuck do i have to be so goddam clumsy, if i didn't slip i wouldn't have broken my camera and my fucking wrist.

We went into the doctors room. 

"So what did you do to your wrist?" The doctor said

"I slipped and fell downstairs" i say truthfully 

Doctor had to take an x ray so Tal would have to get out.

She did the x ray and said:

"So it looks likes you have broken your wrist and we would have to put a small cast on it which you would have to wear for at least 2 weeks but it depends how long it takes to heal" she said

They did everything they needed to do and put on a cast and we were allowed to go.

We went back to the car and started driving home.

"So does it still hurt?" He asked

"yeah it does but i will be fine" i say signing 

"I need to get a new camera since mine is smashed :(" i say looking out the window while we pass by the houses.

"You can use mine until you get a new one" he kindly offered 

"no no no im scared im going to break it!" i kinda yell but in a good way? does this make sense?

"Haha you wont" he laughed

We got home safely and i just sat down on the couch.

"So then girlfriend what do you wanna do?" he asked

"i dont know what do you wanna do boyfriend?" i say annoying him back

"We can watch something? and maybe cuddle" he said the last part quietly

"yes lets watch youtube" i replay and he sat next to me and clicked on the youtube button on the tv.

I cuddled put next to him somehow without hurting my wrist.

We ended watching Riverdale on Netflix instead of youtube.

We watched almost the whole season until Tal said:

"Do you know how to drive?"

"dude if i did then i would have a car but no i dont so i cant drive" i laughed poking him

"oi ok i was just asking, do you wanna learn to drive?" he asked

"Well yeah" i say 

"Ok well we can see what we can do about that" 



Next chapter will be a surprise ;)

Also Lilia gonna learn to drive :)




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