Chapter 61

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-Lilia's POV-

We all got back from an exhausting day at the mall. We bought a lot of stuff like makeup, cloths and blah blah blah.

Once we got back, we all got changed into comfy cloths and sat down on Rita's bed.

"So should we facetime Tal now?" I suggested and they all agreed. I fished my phone out of my pocket and clicked the facetime app.

I pressed on his name and waited until he picked up. After a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey" Tal said with a raspy cute voice. He was laying In bed clearly.

"Heyyy" I say giving him a smile.

"Ashanti and Rita are here" I tell him pointing the camera to Rita who was trying not to freak out.

"OMG Tal" she said excitedly. Y'all softly chuckled and greeted her.

"What did you so today" Tal asked.

"We went shopping and it was great honestly" I say with the other girls nodding their heads and laughing.

"Ah that's cool, I've filmed so much today" Tal said laughing.

We talked a little more about random things until it was getting very late.

"I'm going to go because I'm super tired and tomorrow I need to edit all those videos, you guys need to get to sleep soon too" Tal said with a small cute yawn.

"Alright goodnight, love you" I say blowing a kiss.

"Love you too" He said blowing one back. Ashanti and Rita said their goodbyes and I ended.

"RELATIONSHIP GOALSSS" Ashanti yelled ruffling my hair.

"#TILIA!!" Rita yelled along with Ashanti. I have them a chuckle and laid back in the bed.

"Ah I wish I had such a great boyfriend" Ashanti said laying next to me. Rita laid on the other side of me.

"You have Adi" I say giving her a smirk.

She turned away with a grin and her face all red with embarrassment.

"I ship you so much with Adi, like please go out" Rita exclaimed.

"I do like him but I don't know if he feels the same about me" Ashanti says with a small faint sigh.

"Girl he does like you!" I shout throwing my hands in the air and then laughing.

"He needs to ask you out ASAP" Rita giggled.

"What about you Rita, have you got a crush" Ashanti asked smirking.

Rita blushed and looked away.

"There's this guy in my school called Brandon, he's cute but I don't think he likes me like that" Rita says and both me and Ashanti smile at her.

"Don't worry you will get him, you're such an amazing girl" I tell her and her lips form a huge smile.

"Exactly your prefect" Ashanti says and her smiles turns even bigger.

"Thank you so much guys, I love you!!" Rita says pulling us into a big group hug.

"We love you too!" Me and Ashanti both say hugging her back.

It was so perfect.

Omg guys I'm so bad at updating 😭😂💀
Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)
Sadly this book is ending soon but dw a sequel is coming
Before I publish it tho I'll try update angels and sinners more often ❤️
IG: reactionehoe

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