Chapter 58

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-Lilia's POV-

I grabbed my backpack and shoved my charger, headphones and other essentials i needed for the short flight to Arizona.

Me and Ash arranged to meet one of my biggest fans with her mom. Since Rita, the fan, had done so much for me at least i could meet her since her dream to meet me.

Our fight is in about 4 hours so we have to leave for the airport in about 10 minutes.

I run downstairs bumping into Tal on my way there.

"Oh my gosh, im sorry" I quickly say rushing to put my shoes on. I was stressing even though i tried not to.

"Wow, calm down" Tal laughed turning to me.

"Im trying" I giggled nervously grabbing the water bottle and putting it in my backpack.

"Are you ready? We have to get Ashanti" Tal says grabbing his car keys.

"No its fine, Adi will drive her and i will meet her there" I say to him.

He nods and puts his shoes on and i do the same. Although im only going for 4 days, i still say bye to Luna and Perky.

I stroke them and get up opening the door for me and Tal.

We step out and Tal locks the door behind him. I put my suitcase in the trunk and closed it once again.

I got in the passenger seat while Tal got in the drivers seat. He gave me a warm smile before turning the engine on and backed out of the drive way.

I took the aux cord and played the Queen album by Nicki Minaj because shes a queen and i love her. (me irl)


We finally arrived at the airport after jamming out to the whole album and some other songs. 

Tal parked the car and we both got out. I grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk and looked at Tal.

He opened his arms and pulled me in for a hug. I looked up in his eyes and he crouched down to get to my height and gave me a quick peck on the lips before pulling me closer to his chest.

This moment felt magical and i didn't wanna leave but i had to. We pulled apart and kisses once again. This time deeper and for longer.

We pulled away fro air and also from the hug.

"Im gonna miss you" Tal said.

"I will too but i will text you dont worry" I reassure him giving him another warm smile.

"I should get going now" I say to him.

"Ok, stay safe, LOVE YOUUU" He says while slowly i slowly walked away.

"Love you too!" I say waving him off. He waved back and watched as i walked into the busy airport.

Now i have to find Ashanti.

I wondered around the place trying to find her when i spotted her tall slim figure in the distance. 

I ran up to her and touched her shoulder making her flinch. 

"Oh my god Lilia" She laughed giving me a quick hug.

"Hey Adi" I say to Adi who was chuckling at Ashanti. He smiled at me and greeted me back.

"Aww i ship" I tease both Ashanti and Adi who both turned a pink shade. 

"Stay safe guys and Ash you better text me" Adi said with a small wink. We waved him off and began walking to baggage drop off.

"ooo Ashanti" I teased bumping her shoulder a little. She blushed a little and a smirk grew on her face.

"Oh shut up and tell me how you and Tal are" She now teased. I looked away and laughed.

"We are good bitch" I laugh.

"Im glad you're doing ok now" She smiled at me.

We got to the drop off bag area and gave our suitcases. 

We soon went through over security things and went to sit down at In n Out to get burgers.

Me and Ashanti both got our food and sat down at a small both next to a window. 

Oh did i mention, i got a new phone? I took a few pictures and began eating my food while Ashanti was eating hers food.

Soon we finished our food and went over to the gate to wait for our plane.

Once the gate opened we showed our passports and got on the plane. We had a first class flight and we were sitting next to each other luckily.

I put my headphones in while Ash did the same while the others are pilling into the plane.

Once everyone was in, the flight attends and the caption spoke and we soon enough took off.


Its not sunday today but yk i still wanted to post this for yall :))

Im really sad that this book is ending but there will be a sequel <3

IG: recationehoe 

-Tina xoxo

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