Chapter 43

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-Lilia's POV-

So I'm currently sitting on a wobbly stool talking to Jojo while everyone else is talking to each other.

Ceena and Nick are flirting with the 2 girls who don't seem very interested but still talk back.

Aid and Ashanti are flirting which is making me happy since I want them to get together.

And Tal, Anthony and Micheal are laughing together. It makes me smile how happy he is right now.

"So do you wanna hang out sometime soon?" Jojo asked in a friendly manner not trying to flirt since he knows his friend is dating me.

"Yeah sure why not? You have my number don't you?" I asked

He shook his head and i told him my number.

"I'll be right back i need to go to the bathroom" i say coughing a little then getting up from my seat.

I made my way to the bathroom and tumbled in. I was so tired already although its not even that late. I felt drunk although i had no alcohol.

I did my business and went back out again.

Just as i walked back into the room Ashanti was giving everyone drinks. Everyone accepted expect Tal and Jojo.

"Hey you want some" Ashanti said handing me a red cup

"uh i'm not sure" I declined

She gave me a confused smile and passed me the cup making me hold it.

"Drink up princess" She cheered making me drink the liquid. It burned down my throat but I liked it.


"Ash how much has she had to drink?" I could hear Tal asking Ashanti while I kept taking shots and laughing of with Micheal and Anthony while the girls gave me lairy looks.

Ceena, Nick and Jojo were somehow passed out on the couches. Or nearly asleep.

"Come on Lilia let's go home" Tal said mentioning for me to come over to him.

I shook my head and took another shot of vodka.

"Lilia don't make this difficult" He said grabbing me the hand but I refused to go.

"No I'm having funnnnnn" I slurred
He looked pissed. He picked me up and started to carry me.

He said bye to everyone and me being a drunk teen acting like a 5 year old I waved to them with a goofy smile.

We got to his car and he placed me in the front seat.
Not caring I put my feet up.

"Lilia be careful this car is expensive" He said getting in.

I ignored him and tried reaching for the aux cord to play some music.

But instead I hit my broken wrist against something.
I winced in pain grabbing it but then flinching back when I realised it hurt.

"Oh my god Lilia are you ok?" Tal asked still looking at the road but taking a glance at me.

"Yeeess i'mm fine" I say in a British accent. I don't know ok.

I grabbed the aux cord and plugged it into my phone.
I searched up Va Va Voom by Nicki Minaj and played it out loud.

I stared rapping all the lyrics leaving Tal shook.

Then I played Sad! By xxxtentacion and rolled my window down all the way and played it full volume then started screaming the lyrics disturbing the whole neighbourhood.

"LILIA QUIT IT! YOU'RE GONNA GET US ARRESTED!" Tal yelled over the top of the loud music rolling my window back up.

I laughed at his behaviour and played quieter music.

We soon got home and I was too drunk to even stand up so Tal carries me in.

As soon as we got in he went over to feed the pets and I went upstairs.

I brushed my teeth for less then 2 minutes and tried my best to take of my makeup but it kinda got smeared.

I yelled to Tal to come and help me with it cuz you know.

"Yes ?" He asked poking his head taking a look at me and stopping him self from laughing.

"It's not funny! Help me" I wined and he chucked.

He grabbed the makeup wipe and held my chin then stared to rub of all my makeup.

Being the good boyfriend he is, he rubbed In some of my night cream I put on to moisturise my face.

I thanked him and went into the bedroom to get dressed into my pjs.

I was too lazy to find my night outfit so I took of my current cloths and just stayed in my bra and panties.

Tal only changed into some sweatpants leaving him shirtless.

I crawled into bed and he did too soon after.
I ended up taking about random shit and making him listen to me but then soon after I fell asleep.

Guys we hit 4K Thank you all so much it means a lot to me!
Sorry this chapter sucks it's late at night right now hahahahahahah

Also I'm super sorry that I haven't really updated this book or my other one in a while, I had really bad days and I was too upset to write or even go on wattpad so I hope you understand that.

I want to take a minute to say Rest In Piece xxxtentacion. As you may know he has been shot dead and he was only 20! I'm still very shocked and very heartbroken over this since his music helped me a lot. I'm not sure when I'm gonna update this book but I will try to like tomorrow or something. If I don't please remember that I'm just too sad to write.
I will forever love and miss you X, you have changed my life💗💔😭😭
Fly high angel 👼🏻

Please don't be afraid to send me a message and talk to me, I'm always here for you guys if you ever need help :)

I love you guys so much💗💜✨
Also I need names for the sequel to this book!

Ps. I'm making a fan page on instagram xox

-Tina xx

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