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I woke up to my alarm going off. I tried to turn it off, but then it kept playing. "Oh shut the fuck up!" I whined, getting annoyed. I finally turned it off, then sat up. I instantly fell back down because of the hangover. I shouldn't have drank so much.

I took Tylenol and chugged down a bottle of water. I still had a headache, but it wasn't so bad. I got ready for school. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put on a black long sleeved shirt and blue jeans and my sneakers.

I went to school. As soon as I opened the door, everyone's eyes were on me. As I walked to my locker, people I passed by stared and started whispering. It started making me anxious. I tried ignoring it, but it got hard to. It got even harder when they and Y/F/N walked towards me.

"Oh you're still here? I thought you died already." Taylor said, looking at me like I was the most disgusting thing ever. Everyone in the halls started snickering.

Strike one.

Nobody cares about me, do they? I sighed and opened my locker.

"Seriously, why are you still here? Nobody loves you." I put my stuff inside my locker.

Nobody loves me. The words echoed in my head like there was nothing else in there.

Strike 2.

"Not even Sabrina..." Y/F/N smirked.

Strike 3. I'm out.

I slammed my locker closed. I can't put up with this anymore.

Is this how it's gonna be?

People are always going to treat me like this?

What did I ever do to them?

A single tear ran down my face, but I wiped it off before anyone could notice. For the rest of the day, people threw paper balls with hurtful messages at me, called me an depressed girl, and some even hit me when I went into the bathroom. By the end of the day, I had a black eye, a busted lip, and had bruises on my face and a couple on my stomach.

I walked home, emotionless. I felt... empty and numb. I opened the door. Nobody was in there. My mom and grandma is going to be gone for a month because of business meetings in different states. I have plenty of food to last me though, so I'll be fine. I threw my backpack on the couch and went to my room and closed and locked my door. I cried until I had no tears left.

Then my phone vibrated. Sabrina.

BrinaBabe: How is my beautiful girlfriend doing to day?

Y/N: Not very well, but I'll be fine.

BrinaBabe: What's wrong?

Y/N: Remember what I told you about being bullied? It got worse, way worse...

BrinaBabe: How worse?

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it. Just know that I'll be fine.

BrinaBabe: FaceTime me

Y/N: What? Why?

BrinaBabe: Just, I need to know that you're okay.

Y/N: Awww

Y/N: Okay, but don't freak out.

BrinaBabe: Why would I freak out?

Y/N: You'll see.

The phone ringed only one time, then I was met by her beautiful face. Her baby blue eyes, her perfect pink lips, basically all of her. "She's gorgeous." I accidentally said out loud.

"Speaking your thoughts again cutie?" She sounded amused.

I giggled a bit. "Yeah I guess I do that a lot."

She got all serious when she got a good look at me.

"Baby, what happened at school?" She asked, sounding worried.

"N-nothing. It's nothing you should be worried about." I'm nothing you should be worried about. "I'll be fine." She didn't let it go.

"Please tell me what happened. " She pouted at me and had a sad expression on her face. 

"I-i don't think I should. Judging by how sad you look and I haven't even told you yet. "

"I promise I won't get upset this time. Just, can you please tell me?"

I told her, leaving out the part about the picture. I knew she wouldn't let it go and I saw no point in trying to hide it from her. "I'm sorry. But hey, I know what might make you feel better."

"Just talking to you makes me feel better."

"Aren't you sweet?" She teased me.

"Stawwp! Now, what were you saying."

"Open the door." She hung up and I was extremely confused. I did as I was told and saw my blue eyed beauty. Instead of hugging me like I thought she would, she went straight to my room. I followed her.

She was just sitting on the edge of my bed.

She got up and walked towards me and gently pressed me on the wall. She kissed me, and I kissed back. I tangled my hands in her hair as she put her hands on my waist.

I flipped us over and patted her thighs, mumbling, "up." She jumped on my waist and my hands were on her thighs, just to support her. I pulled away from her lips to go down to her neck.

I started leaving open mouth kisses on her neck and then found this spot on her neck that made her melt, and started sucking and nibbling on it. I heard her moan quietly and i went back to her lips and went back to kissing her.

As soon as her lips were on mine, I felt her tongue in my mouth, making me moan too. Then we stopped and I let her down on my bed gently, sitting right beside her. We were both panting and breathing heavily.

Once we calmed down, I asked a question that I was confused about. "Why are you here and not in London?"

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