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"Bearbear, come on. You promised that you would spend the day with us before we left." The brunette girl said to me, making puppy dog eyes.

I remembered that they were moving to California because they landed a roll on a new Disney show. Sadly, they were leaving tomorrow morning.

"Why do you guys have to go?" I said, a tear slipping out of my eye.

"Hey don't cry. You'll make us cry." She said, but it was too late because the blonde started crying and so did the other girl.

"Even though I don't want you to go, I must say this. I am so proud of you two." I said, hugging the two girls. We wiped off our faces, but still hanged on to each other.

"Okay guys. We have only one full day left all together. What are we going to do?" I asked, pulling away from them. "Ice cream and a movie." Row said, excitedly.

"I wanted to go to the playground." I said, pouting.

"We can do all three, right Rowboat?" The blonde asked Rowboat.

"Right Bee. Now let's go!!!" She said, dragging me out of my house. "Wait. I have to go tell my mom that I'm leaving." I said, but they kept dragging me.

"Too late. Besides, our parents are going to be at the places separately. Row's at the ice cream place, mine at the movie theater, and yours at the playground." Bee said. We kept on walking, arms connected to each other.

"Okay little ladies. What will it be?" The ice cream man (as we refered to him) asked as we walked into the parlor.


"Predictable." I said, laughing. She glared at me playfully.

"Vanilla." Rowan said.

"Both." I said.

"Ok. Coming right up." He said, then left.

"Couldn't decide, huh?" Bee said, laughing a bit.

"No. I just wanted both." I said, though there was a secret meaning behind it.

He came back with our order and handed me and Row our ice cream. He said that he'd be right back. He came out out with one of the biggest chocolate sundaes ever and gave it to Bee. All three of our mouths dropped.

"Wait. I think you gave me the wrong one." Bee said, looking at the giant mountain of chocolate ice cream, fudge, whip cream, and of course the signature cherry.

"No. The owner said that you was his favorite customer and that ever since you were little, you wanted to try it so bon appetit."  He said, then left.

"Lucky." Rowboat and I said at the same time.

"You know I'm sharing, right?" Bee said, still looking at it with wide eyes.

"We knew you loved us, Bri." I said, smiling.

"You know I do and I always will." She said and kissed our cheeks. She usually did that. Ever since we were little.

"You got ice cream on my face." Row said, and we started laughing. She was about to wipe it off, but then we heard the click of a camera. We looked up to see the brunette's parents with their camera.

"Okay Y/N, Sabrina, and Rowan. Smile!" They said, and we did.

It couldn't be, but now it all makes sense.

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