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After about an hour, I had changed into my shorts and a long-sleeved crop top.

"You know I love you, Sabrina." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Yeah." She said smiling, and I sat up and peppered her face with kisses, except her lips.

"Hey, you missed a spot." She said, pointing to her lips. I smiled and kissed her, and she deepened it.

It wasn't long before I felt her tongue in my mouth, and I moaned quietly at the feeling. She moved from my lips to my neck, and I tilted my head to give her more access.

"I love you so, so much." She said, before she found this spot on my neck and begin sucking lightly.

"Words can not define how I feel towards you." She whispered into my ear. "I love everything about you." She met my lips again, but hovered over them.

"Everything." She whispered, against my lips before she went back to kissing me and I kissed back. She climbed on top of me, and straddled me then pulled away again.

"You are so beautiful. Inside and out." She tugged on the end of my shirt gently, so I took it off.

"I love what you may see as your flaws and imperfections." She grabbed onto both of my hands, before lightly kissing both of my arms and then she moved down and kissed my stomach.

I giggled.

"To me, everything about you is perfect, and I don't care about what others say about you. I am absolutely in love with you." Let's just say that night, was really special.


"Last night was amazing." I said, as Sabrina's arms wrapped around me. "Thank you for making this the best birthday ever."

"Love, it's only 11am. It hasn't even been 12 hours yet." I heard that giggle that was music to my ears.

"I know, but this has still been the best birthday ever." I was sitting up, but felt a bit of pain so I laid back down.

"A little sore?" She asked and I nodded.

"I'm sorry honey." She kissed the top of my forehead. We heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" She called out.

"Sarah and Rowboat." I started panicking a bit. "If they see us naked, they're gonna-" She kissed me and pulled away. I relaxed a bit.

"It's okay. Relax. Do you have any big t-shirts?" She asked soothingly, and I nodded.

"They're in my closet." She put this regular white one that stopped a bit above her knees and opened the door, after closing mine.

"Hey. Where is she?" I heard Rowan say, and I heard footsteps come towards my room.

"Don't open the door. She's still sleeping." I mentally thanked her for stopping her.

"Why are you wearing something different from what you were wearing when you left last night?" I heard Sarah say like a parent. She is going to kill me.

"I spilled soda on my clothes, so she let me borrow hers."

Nice lie.

"Don't you guys have to to go and start setting up?" Sabrina said, and I heard footsteps only more distantly. I'm guessing that's she's pushing them out.

"You're right." Then the door closed.

Sabrina came back in with a smile on her face.

"You are way too good at lying." I started laughing. She laughed with me and shook her head.

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