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It's been a week since Sabrina left. We still make time for each other though. We talk to each other for at least 20 minutes each day. I know it's not much but we both have different schedules and I know she doesn't sleep that much because of it.

I can tell because every time we FaceTime,  I can see that she's clearly exhausted. Her hair is always wild and she has dark circles under her eyes. I tried to tell her that she needs to sleep more but she's stubborn.

I haven't talked to her in 2 days though. I miss talking to her but i'm trying to not be clingy. I have a habit of doing that when i get close to someone. A habit  that i'm  trying to get rid of. 

School hasn't really changed. I still get bullied constantly, but i'm getting used to it. 

The only thing that they can do to hurt me is mention Sabrina and tell me that she doesn't love me. I keep saying it in my head, that it's not true, but it's hard to believe myself. 

Luckily, I haven't reached my breaking point, yet. If it wasn't for Sabrina, I would've by now. I'm thankful for that. There are times when i feel the urge to break my promise, but i resist it. I never want to hurt her like that again.

Here I am, doing math homework when my phone starts to ring. I pick it up and ask "Hello?"

"Hey Y/N!" Her cheerful voice chirped.

YAY! It's my baby!

"Hi! What's got you all happy today?" 

"Well I just finished my new song today!" She screamed, enthusiastically. I chuckled.

"Congratulations! What's it called?" I was really excited, but i was trying my best not to explode.

"Almost love! It comes out on Saturday!" She sang.

"But that's like 2 days away."


"I'm so freaking excited!!!" I fangirled, despite me trying to hold back.

"You're really adorable, you know that?"

"So i've been told..."

"So how are you?"

"I'm actually a lot better. I've gotten more time to rest and relax."

"That's good."

"And you?"

"Not much has changed but i'm doing okay. I'm keeping my promise, i swear."

"Okay. Are you excited?"

"About what?"

"I'm coming back in 4 days! That means I get to hug and kiss you. Hold you. Sleep with you..."

Before I could respond, she clarified. 

"I mean sleep next to you in the same bed."

"Oh, because for a minute I thought you meant..." I trailed off.

"Thought I meant what?" She asked. I knew she knew but still I wasn't going to say it.


"I know what you thought. You have a dirty mind, pervert." My face got hot. 


"I was just kidding." She said and started laughing. I laughed too.

"I have a question for you though." 


"Are you a virgin?" Oh why? Just..why?

"Are you?"

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second."


"Fine, I am. Now, are you?"

"Um... Did i tell you about this cat i saw today?" She tried to change the subject.

"Sabrina." I tried to get her to answer the question.

"It was a nice black cat." She ignored me.


"It reminded me  of the Sabrina The Teenage Witch show. I swear it sounded like it said hi to me. It was really weird and-"



"Are you a virgin? Yes or no?" 

"Fine. I'm not."

 I felt kind of sad, but it was kind of to be expected. People usually lose their virginity while they're a teenager, I know that. But it didn't stop me from becoming jealous and upset. I hid both emotions. 

"When and with who?"

"Don't be mad..."

"Why would I be mad?"

"Well, I remember you telling me that you didn't like someone that I used to date. Yeah, that was the first person that i lost my v card to. It was like a year ago. When I was 16... "

"You lost it to Bradley Steven Perry?" There was a brief moment of silence.

"Yeah. But we used protection."

"Okay..." More silence. 

I cleared my throat and begin talking.

"I'm not mad. It happened before I even met you anyway."


"So... do you want to change the subject?"

"Sure. This is really awkward. But not as awkward as the talk and puberty."

"Man, I hate the talk. Every time my mom tries to give me the talk, I run or cover my ears."

"You haven't had the talk yet?"

"Nope." I said, popping the p.

"Well it's not that bad. When you get to a certain age, you see that your body starts to change. And then you-"

"LALALALA!" I interrupted.

"It's not that bad." She said.

"YES IT IS!" I argued.

"What's the point of having the talk about puberty when I'm going through puberty?" I asked.

"Well when you put it like that..."


We kept talking for what had seemed like a couple minutes.



"I didn't realize that we've been talking for an hour. i'm sorry darling, but i have to go. I have a concert in 30 minutes."

"It's okay. I love you."

"I love you too. Talk to you tomorrow! Bye!"

"Bye Baby!"

I sighed as i heard the call end. I put my phone on the charger, finished my homework, and went to bed.

"I love and miss you Sabrina." I said as i drifted off to sleep.

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