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We walked for maybe twenty minutes until we finally reached their house. I knocked on the door and Lily opened it. "Y/N!" She screamed and hugged me tightly, knocking the air out of me.

Lily Collins. After they moved I became close friends with her and four other girls. She is basically the athlete of the group. Captain of the basketball, soccer, volleyball, and softball team. She would even be captain of the football team of she could.

"Hey Lily." I struggled to say.

"You know she needs to breathe, right? We don't want to kill her on the first day of being here."

Meet Sasha Williams. She's really sassy and doesn't care if people don't like her. She always says what's on her mind and speaks her honest opinion on them, even if they're next to her and it isn't exactly nice.

Lily let go of me and I saw my other three friends. Jasmine, Camille, and Merida were sitting on the couch with big smiles on their faces.

Jasmine is really friendly and confident where ever she goes. A social butterfly and always helps others.

Camille is a lot like Sabrina in more ways than one. She's an amazing singer and friendly towards anyone, but sometimes. She does have anger issues, but they are a little worse than Sabrina's. All of us have seen her when she's angry and she basically destroys everything in her way until she calms down. She's never laid a hand on us though.

Merida looks a lot like the Disney Movie character that has the same name as her. She's an optimistic person, so she looks on the bright side of everything. She's an activist and an ally of the LGBTQ community.

"We have to catch up!" Jasmine squealed. I grabbed Sabrina's hand and she sat down on the couch, next to me. They noticed that Sabrina was with me.

"You must be her girlfriend, Sabrina. Hi, I'm Jasmine." She said, extending her hand for Sabrina to shake which she gladly excepted.

"Merida." The red-haired girl waved.

"Lily." The other blue-eyed girl said, put up a peace sign.


"Sasha." She said, smiling, her eyes seeming to look lighter. She was born with rare purple and green eyes.

"You have really pretty eyes." Sabrina said in awe, making Sasha blush. "Thanks. You do too."

"You never told me that I had pretty eyes." Merida pouted and Sasha kissed her cheek. "You have very pretty eyes."

"What about me? You don't think I have pretty eyes?" Lily, the brown eyed blonde asked.

She groaned. "You all have gorgeous eyes."

"So what's been going on with you? Anything new?" Lily asked.

I'm not going to tell them.

"Nope. Same old girl as I was in New York." Sabrina looked at me, confused as to why I was lying.

How exactly would I tell my friends everything?

"Um, what brings you to LA?" I asked the five girls, changing the subject.

"We missed you and thought that we should visit before school ends." Jasmine said.

"I missed you guys, too." I said.

"Is it okay if we speak to Sabrina privately for a moment?" Camille asked.

I looked at Sabrina and she nodded. "Sure." They left to another room and I was alone in a quiet room.

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