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I woke up in the the plane and checked the time. I've been asleep for a straight hour. That's good since I didn't get much sleep last night... and the night before... Basically it's been a while.

I remembered that we were still in a plane.

I looked down and the houses looked so small. It freaked me out, because I'm acrophobic. I should of taken this into account before I got on the plane.

I looked around and saw that so many people were on the plane, so so many people. More than what I saw get on the plane, at least.

To me, it seems like this place got so much tighter.

Smaller. With too many people.

I need some fresh air, I need some fresh air. I kept thinking as I started looking around frantically.

I started freaking out even more. I can't even let down a window, so I started hyperventilating.

I felt a soft gentle hand grab onto my hand and I was captivated by her crystal eyes.

"You're okay. Breathe in and out. In and out. In and out." I followed Sabrina's breathing pattern and I calmed down. I sat here, staring into her eyes and she opened her mouth to speak.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said. I'm sorry for what I did and I'm sorry for what I didn't do. You're right. I should have asked, because yes it wasn't my choice alone. I'm sorry, Y/N." She said, calmly.

I don't know what to do now because I got out all my frustration about this earlier. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything. Relax. I understand." She said, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek. You know, the ones you would give your close friends.

"Aww." I looked behind me at Sarah. She had legit tears running down her cheeks, a hand on her heart, and a smile on her face.

"You and Sabrina are too cute to see apart." I laughed at her.

"You're weird, you know that?" Sabrina said, giggling at her sister. I looked at her, love filling my system.

Wait no.

I shouldn't be thinking like that yet. Adoration filling my system, yeah that's better.

"And the way she looks at you like you're her world her everything." She said to Sabrina, making me blush.

Sarah leaned up and whispered in my ear, "Just between you and me, I heard Sabrina talking about before. She said 'Im going to marry Y/N someday.' I would like to see that happen, wouldn't you? It would be the wedding of the century." She said, then wiggles her eyebrows.

"Weirdo." I said, ruffling her brown hair. I turned around and texted her.

Y/N: But honestly, I would want it to happen, too. You're not lying to me, right?

Dork💞💜: Nope. You can ask Sabrina yourself.

"I love you." I heard Sabrina whisper in my ear, then her head was on my shoulder. I looked at her, and she was peacefully sleeping. I love you? Maybe she was talking to someone else. Yeah, someone else.

Dork💞💜: She said that she loves you. My ship is sailing. ⛵

Dork💞💜: I think I'm having a heart attack from the cuteness overload.

Y/N: You're ⛵ is in the repair shop🙄. Chill. Besides, she was probably talking to someone else.

Dork💞💜: Like who?

Y/N: Idk. Maybe you. You heard her say it.

Dork💞💜: Actually I didn't. I was saying that she messaged me saying she loves you.

 Dork💞💜: Wait, she said it to you out loud?!


Dork💞💜: You do know that I'm right behind you.

Y/N: But you wouldn't say that while Sabrina is next to me.

Dork💞💜: Oh I wouldn't?

Dork💞💜: Bet.

"Hey lovebirds." Sarah whispered, seeing that Sabrina was still sleeping.

"So Sabrina, Y/N told me some interesting things that you might want to know."

"Sarah." I said, warningly.

"She's sleeping. She won't hear anything." She said, and had a mischievous grin on her face.

"She loves you and wants to marry you too. So go ahead, and propose already." She said.

"Okay. That's enough." I said, seeing Sabrina stir a bit.

We were silent for the rest of the flight.

"Just so you know, I heard that." Sabrina said, once we landed.

She sat up and stared at me. "What?" I asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Was she telling the truth?" I didn't answer her question. It doesn't matter.

She has a girlfriend now, and it isn't me.


We went our separate ways when we left the airport. I went to my apartment that I will be staying in and looked around.

It was actually really nice. Although the bay window was my favorite part of it. I took out my favorite, but I found it a bit hard to read because my mind was all over the place.

I sighed and closed the book and started unpacking my things.  I was bored out of my mind when i finished

What to do? What to do?

I decided to finish my painting that I've been working on for a while. I never really knew who I was painting, never focused on it. Just knew that it was a girl. It wasn't until I finished it, that I saw who it was.



Sabrina's POV

"I need advice Sarah." I said, sitting down on the couch in the apartment that we were going to stay in for a while.

"About?" She said, sitting next to me.

"I want to break up with Rowan, but I don't want to hurt her feelings or put Y/N in danger. What do I do?" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"That's a tough one. As far as putting Y/N in danger, you should talk to her about that. You don't want to make the same mistake twice, right?" I nodded, "Right."

"But what about Rowan?"

"Break it to her gently. Just don't do it over the phone, but in person. One of the worst ways of breaking up with someone is texting hey we're done to them." I remember that Bradley did that to me. I hate him so much.

"Ok. I'll just talk to her when I get back. By the way, I heard what you said to Y/N on the plane."

"I know. That's why I said it." She said, and I gave her a hug. "I'm going to go take a nap. I love you." I said, walking to my room.

"I love you too."

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