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"Hey, Y/N." I heard someone say and I turned around.

"Hi, Jake." I waved at the green-eyed boy, who looked really nervous.

"So yes or no?" He asked, walking beside me since we have the same class next.

"Um, look. You seem like a nice, sweet person. I'm really sorry, but I can't."

"Are you going with someone else?" He asked, disappointedly. I felt a bit bad for him.

"I'm not even going to prom. I'm just going to hang out with my girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? You're dating Sabrina again?" He whined then coughed to cover it up.

"Yeah. Do you have a problem with it?"

"No. I'm not homophobic or anything. Just, it's like she's turning all the girls gay and it's not fair."

I smiled and laughed. "It seems like it, doesn't it?"

"Your smile looks good on you. You should smile more often." He said, then he went to his seat at the back of the class. I was a bit took aback from his words, but I went to my seat and shrugged it off.

I pulled out my book and started reading because we didn't have an assignment today.

My phone vibrated so I looked at my phone and saw that I got a text message from Becca.

Becca: What's up with you and Jake? He's been staring at you since you two walked in.

Y/N: Nothing. Why?

Becca: Did he say something to you before he sat down?

Y/N: All he said was that my smile looked good at me.

Becca: Ohh... There's gonna be trouble between you and Sabrina.

Y/N: No there won't be. He just like a friend. It's not any different than Corey's and Sabrina's relationship.

Becca: U right. Are you going to prom with Sabrina?

Y/N: I'm not going at all. It's too cliche.

Becca: Maybe so, but me and Row are going. You two should come with us. It'll be like a double date.

Y/N: IG. I'll think about it.

Becca: Cool.

The bell rang and I gathered my stuff to go to my next class. "So I was wondering. D-do you maybe w-want to go hangout after school? N-not like a date or anything, but j-just to get to know each other." Jake asked, shyly.

"Um, sure." I nodded. Sabrina is not going to like this.

He smiled. "Okay. See ya, Y/N." I waved goodbye and went to my next class.

He just seems like a good friend, and there's nothing wrong with having a male friend. Let's just hope that she'll see it that way too.


We hanged out at the mall, and surprisingly, he was really helpful. You know with helping me pick out clothes and stuff. I was really comfortable with him, too. He got over going to prom with me as well.

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