*The Doctor Dances*

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A/N: was 8889 words, is now 11251! Enjoy! :D

A/N: was 8889 words, is now 11251! Enjoy! :D

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"Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!"

"Go to your room," the Doctor says sternly and I frown when the patients stop within touching distance of us. "Go to your room!" he repeats, raising his voice and the patients cock their heads to the side, considering him. "I mean it! I am very, very angry with you! I am very, very cross! Go! To! Your! Room!" he points violently to the side.

I watch in shock as the patients lower their heads and shuffle off to their beds as if they'd just been told off by their father. Rose and I slump against each other as they lay down, going back to being immobile.

"I'm really glad that worked! Those would've been terrible last words!" the Doctor laughs.

I turn the Doctor around and wrapping my arms around his waist, breathing in as I listen to his twin hearts and he wraps his arms around my shoulders. "You're a complete idiot," I tell him, making him chuckle as he squeezes me briefly.

"Oi, I want some attention," Rose pouts teasingly, making me snort and grab her arm to yank her into the hug as well.

"Needy," the Doctor laughs, hugging us both tightly.

"At least I don't blush whenever you hug me," Rose snorts, poking my pink cheek.

"I hate you both," I wriggle out of the hug as they laugh.

"No, you don't," they both reply, laughing even more and pulling away while the Doctor gives Rose a quick recap of what's been going on.

I roll my eyes and turn to Jack, who was looking a bit uncomfortable and out a place as he watches us. "I guess I'm glad you didn't get turned into a gas-mask zombie," I sigh, folding my arms.

"Wow... thanks, kitten," Jack rolls his eyes. "Really feeling the love," he scoffs.

"Kitten?" I raise an eyebrow and he gestures to my shirt. "Oh, ha, ha, very clever," I smile despite myself.


Rose was examining one of the patients, Jack was settled down in the chair that Doctor Constantine had been sat in - he'd gone to a bed with the rest of the gas-mask zombies. The Doctor was standing in front of the dest with his arms folded as he glares down at the Captain and I was leaning against him with my hands around his bicep to keep my self upright and somewhat awake.

"Why are they all wearing gas-masks?" Rose asks, coming back over.

"They're not, those masks are flesh and bone," Jack answers and I cringe when I remember Doctor Constantine's moans of pain as his face morphed into a gas-mask.

"How was your con supposed to work?" the Doctor asks, ignoring the patients for now.

"Simple enough, really," Jack shrugs, putting his feet up on the desk and crossing his ankles. "Find some harmless piece of space-junk, let the nearest Time Agent track it back to Earth, convince him it's valuable and name a price. When he's put fifty percent upfront, oops! A German bomb falls on it, destroys it forever. He never gets to see what he's paid for; never knows he's been had. I buy him a drink with his own money and we discuss dumb luck," he explains. "The perfect self-cleaning con," he smiles.

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