Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: 

Y/Ns POV: I was walking up to the footsteps of my boyfriend, Austin's flat. He lived near by so I could just walk there instead of taking my car. It started to rain as I got closer so I had to run the rest of the way. When I got to his porch I knocked on the door but there was no answer. He must have been in the bathroom or something is what I figured so I didn't hesitate to grab the spare key he had hidden under the doormat. I walked inside and shouted "Babe I'm here with your jacket you left it at my house!" I didn't hear an answer. I got worried that something could be wrong so I ran upstairs and went into his room. I couldn't believe what I saw. He was cheating on me... With my best friend. "What the hell?!" I shouted when I saw them. He stood up and my "friend" hid under the covers. "Y/N i think it's time we see other people.." he told me. I just stood there too shocked to form words. I started to cry. I couldn't believe this. How could they do this to me? The people I trusted the most! I slowly walked backwards towards the door. I then sprinted out to the street. The rain had really picked up and it hurt as it beat down on me. But that was nothing compared to the pain in my heart. I don't know where to go. I told my mom I was going be there for the rest of the night, plus I don't want her to see me like this. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I finally settled on going to my favorite coffee shop. It was really small and kind of hidden. I was also good friends with the owner so I knew I would find peace there. I ran in the rain as fast as I could. Anything to get as much distance between me and Austin. I finally made it to the shop. I opened the door and immediately ran inside. I guess since I was in the rain I hadn't realized how much I'd been crying. I walked inside and sat on the couch in the lounge area and pulled my knees up to my chest. Then I just cried. I cried until my eyes stung but even then I couldn't stop. I was so deep in thought that I didn't even notice someone walk inside. Are you okay, love?" I hear an Irish accent asks, when I look up I see a guy with blond hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes kneeling right next to me looking into my eyes.

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