Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

Y/Ns POV: *3 days later* It had been 3 days since I had last seen Niall. These had been the worst days of my life. I felt empty. Without purpose. I felt like when I walked through the halls of Louis and Eleanors flat I was a ghost. If it wasn't for the baby, I'm pretty sure I would have given up. I had thought about how easy it would be to fall asleep and never wake again. No more pain, no more feeling. But I couldn't do that to my baby. My child was the only thing keeping me on this planet. Without it, I would be gone. I felt like I was losing my mind. All I did all day was sit on the window seat and watch the sun rise, and set everyday. If got lucky it rained. I felt nothing. I didn't even feel pain anymore. My thoughts were jumbled. I hardly ate or drank. I could feel myself slipping away from reality. Without Niall, I was nothing. I wasn't worthy to be living. This baby deserves a better mother. But I would never forgive myself. So instead, I just watched the rain on the window; wondering if I would ever feel love again. NIALLS POV: It had been 3 days since I lost the love of my life. Both of them. Three days since the prince lost her princess. I didn't know what to with myself. I couldn't eat, sleep, I hardly left my room. I only ate when Liam forced me to. I hadnt picked up my guitar or listened to music. I couldn't listen to music, it reminded me of her too much. I remembered the night I sang to her in the park. That night all I could feel was love. Now I feel nothing. I just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling. I haven't sang, I haven't even talked. I decided that I couldn't go on like this, so when Liam wasn't looking I stole his phone and called a cab. I sneaked out the window and went to a local pub. I drank. And drank and drank. I feel the alcohol run through my veins. I kept drinking hoping it would fix the void I felt. I drank so much that the bar tender refused to sell me more. I stormed out of the bar and hailed another cab to take me back. I don't know how but I made it back safely. I knocked on the front door. I hurled all over the doorstep as Liam opened the door and helped me inside. He helped to my room and patted my back as I hurled into a trash can. And then I blacked out.

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