Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:  

STILL Y/N's POV: "Not really.." I answer in between sobs. "What is making such a beautiful girl as yourself cry?" he asked me. "M-my Bo-yfriend." I answer shakily. He just nods his head and sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. You look up at him and he softly taps his shoulder. You understood what he meant and you cried into his chest. "I'm Niall by the way." he says extending his hand for you to shake. "I'm Y/N," I answered shaking his hand. "Y/N," he whispers to himself. "Well Y/N let me tell you one thing: Whoever did this to you doesn't deserve you. You're such a beautiful girl and you don't deserve to cry like this." he says. "Thank you Niall." I answered, I couldn't believe how nice he was. "Why don't you let me get you a coffee and you can vent out to me how your feeling. " he says sweetly. "Ok." you answer. You two spend the rest of the night talking until you are asked to leave since the shop is closing. You two exchange numbers and he drives you home since you had no ride. He walks you up to your porch to make sure you get there safely. "You know Y/N I would really love to see you again sometime. Maybe you could meet me tomorrow for lunch?" he asked. "Sounds good." I replied with a smile. He leaned in and kissed your cheek. "goodnight, love." he said. "goodnight." you answered quietly.  

NIALLS POV: I was looking for somewhere to get out of the rain and since we're only in this town for a couple of weeks on tour I didn't know where anything was. I finally came across this tiny coffee shop. As I walked in a I saw a girl crying. Not just crying but absolutely sobbing. She was completely soaked from the rain. I went up to her and kneeled down next to her so we would be at eye level. "Whats wrong love?" I asked her. When she looked up at me I was stunned. She was so beautiful. I didn't even know her and I knew that I liked her. "Not really.." she answers me choking on her sobs. Her eyes were red and puffy she must have been crying for hours. "What is making such a beautiful girl as yourself cry?" I asked her. I knew that whatever it was I would fix it. I couldn't stand seeing her cry. "My-my Boy-friend." she stuttered. What kind of a guy could hurt a girl like her? She was so perfect. I nod my head and sit next to her on the couch. I decided to just go for it and I put my arm around her. She was still sobbing into her knees when she looked up at me. I was lost in her eyes. I lightly tapped my shoulder and she didn't hesitate to come cry on my chest. I rubbed small circles on her back and hummed to her. "I'm Niall by the way." I told her once the sobbing calmed down. "I'm Y/N." she answered. Oh god. Even her name is beautiful. I accidentally repeated her name to myself without thinking. "Well Y/N let me tell you one thing: Whoever did this to you doesn't deserve you. You're such a beautiful girl and you don't deserve to cry like this." i quickly told her. I sounded like I was babbling. Way to go Niall. Way to be subtle. She looked up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes and said "Thank you Niall." wow. Even something do simple sounded so beautiful when she spoke. I decided to ask her if she would let me get her a coffee and talk it out. She said ok, I immediately bought the coffee and then came back. We talked all night until the owner asked us to leave since he was closing up. I got her number! Wow. I also took her home since she had walked to the shop. When I walked her to her doorstep I asked her to lunch. My heart raced as I waited for an answer. She looked up at me and smiled "Sounds good." it was almost as if time stopped when she smiled. I leaned in and kissed her cheek and watched her blush. She was so cute. "Goodnight love" I told her. "Goodnight." she answered. And with that she walked into her flat. I stood there for a moment. Right there on her doorstep I promised myself something: I will never hurt her, lie to her, or be unfaithful. I won't hurt her like Austin did. I vowed this to myself as I drove away in my car anxious for what tommorrow would bring.

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