Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

NIALLS POV: *1 week later* I was still living at Liams flat. I had snuck out to the pub 4 more times after that so eventually Liam had to put me under lock and key. My life was ruined. We had to cancel our tour which we hadnt even announced yet. It was only a matter of time before management couldn't handle anymore and I got kicked out of the band. I didn't even sing anymore. Music reminded me of her too much. I couldn't handle this anymore. I called Liam and asked him if he could come up so I could talk to him. I heard him come up the stairs and unlock the door and close it behind him. I slowly sat up and looked at him. "Yes Niall?" Liam said. "I need to see her Liam. I can't go on like this anymore. Please Liam. Please." I began to tear up. If couldn't see her I was done. There would be no point in me living anymore. Liam thought for a bit before answering. "Alright Niall. She has been asking to see you to. Weve all just been waiting for the right moment. But I think it's what's best for everyone." at this point I started crying. But years of joy. I would be able to see my princess again. The love of my life. Wait, what if she doesn't take me back? Just the thought sent shivers down my spine. Liam spoke up and said "Well mate, let's go get you cleaned up and ready. We will be going tonight." Liam took me to get dressed and ready. Nothing could erase the sleep from my eyes but I looked better than I have all week. Liam, Danielle, and I all got in the car and drove over to Louis and Eleanor's flat. We knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Y/Ns POV: I was sitting on the window seat, the way I have been for the past week, when Eleanor ran in the room. "Y/N! y/n!" she shouted. I turned from the window and looked at her. I could tell she hated seeing me this way by the way her eyes dropped when we made eye contact. "Yes el?" I questioned back. "Well you know how you've been begging to see Niall?" she asked. My heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name. I had been pleading to see Niall since the day after the incident but they hadn't let me see him. "Yeah." I said the curiosity showing in my voice. "Well I just got a call from Danielle, and Niall is coming to see you! Apparently he's been begging as much as you have!" I stood up from the window seat. Oh my gosh! He wanted to see me! Maybe he still loved me! My heart started to beat quickly. "El, el you have to help me get ready he can't see me like this!" "Come on y/n they're on their way!" and then I did something I haven't done in almost 2 weeks. I smiled.

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