Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

NIALLS POV: i left house full of regret. How could i have thrown that vase? It missed her by an inch. I saw all the cuts she had and my hands weren't any better. I didn't know where to go. I wasnt going back because even though I was regretful I was still angry. I decided to go to my best mate Liam's flat. On the way there I had begun to cry. I shouldn't have reacted like that. Now I lost her. My princess is gone. I got to his flat and rang the doorbell. Liam opened and his eyes grew wide when he saw my hands. "Danielle! Danielle go get the first aid kit!" he shouted. Liam pulled me inside and sat me down at his table in the kitchen. Danielle came back with the first aid kit and she slowly began to clean all the cuts. Liam sat down next to her watching her work. "Ok Niall, I don't know if it's too soon to ask but the sooner we know the better. Very calmly and slowly explain to us what happened." I could tell Liam was trying his hardest to keep me calm. I don't blame him I had been really worked up. I started to explain everything, from finding the hidden tests, to me breaking the vase and leaving. Danielle finished up and wrapped up my hands my gauze. Liam slowly nodded his head as if trying to understand. After I finished, there was silence and it was Danielle that broke the silence. "Who else knew before you?" she asked. "I think she told Eleanor because she met her at the park. And I'm sure it was only a matter of time before she told you or Perrie." Danielle nodded her head. "Well," she continued. "I'm going to be the first to state this but Niall, the way you reacted was wrong. I'm just going to say it. Can you imagine how she's feeling? She just graduated high school and hasn't even started college yet. She doesn't have a career. She's younger than you. We both know how sensitive she is. And SHES the one that has to carry that baby around. It's different for her. You Niall, you can walk away and it might not affect you. That baby is with her 24/7. And we both know that she will not be giving that baby up." wow. Danielle was completely right. I was being so selfish. I was planning on proposing this month. I needed to find her but it was obviously too soon. I looked up at the ground and at Danielle. "Thank you. For being so straight forward with me. I needed to hear that and I agree" I told her. She just nodded her head and stood up and left. I hadnt actually thought about where she was and I started to panic. "Liam. Where is she?" the panic in my voice was unmistakeable. "Shes with Louis and Eleanor so please just stay call okay?" I let out a sigh of relief. Liam showed to a guest room and I immediately fell asleep. That night I dreamed about her, and our baby. I could feel myself smiling in my sleep. Maybe this wouldn't be a bad thing.

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