Chapter 24

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*6 months later* Y/Ns POV: Ever since almost loosing Niall our relationship only became stronger. Our love for each other was so strong and so passionate nothing would ever come between us. I eventually gave up my virginity for him. We weren't married but i knew we would be soon. I woke up in the morning in Nialls arms. We had been living toghether for almost 3 months now and things couldn't be more perfect. I lay my head on his bare chest as I remembered last night. That was fun I thought cheekily. I got up and picked up Nialls t shirt from the floor and slipped it on and went downstairs to make breakfast. I was about to flip a pancake when I felt arms wrap around my waist. It scared me so I flipped the pancake so hard that I stuck to ceiling. I turned around and me and Niall started laughing. He pecked my lips and said "Well Goodmorning princess." he said giggling. "Good morning Prince" I said with a wink. We got the pancake off the ceiling and ate breakfast. I stood on the door step and watched Niall head out for another day at the studio. I decided to go to the grocery store to pick up some more food since it seemed like we never had enough. As I was checking out I saw a magazine "Niall Horan cheating on y/n?" I quickly grabbed the magazine and bought it. When I got home and sat on the couch to read through it. I quickly flipped to the article. I looked at the picture. I knew what photoshop looked like I had taken a class and this was not photoshopped. I could tell it was recent because his arm was still in the cast. I threw the magazine at the wall. I went into the kitchen and shattered plates. I took a notepad and wrote "FUCK YOU." on it and attached it to the magazine and left. I sat in the car and sobbed. While I was there I checked my twitter and it was blowing up with the same picture. Everyone knew. I slowly backed out of the driveway and left. Not sure where i was heading. 

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