Chapter 14

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Y/Ns POV: Niall gave me one of his hoodies and I immediately put it on and zipped it. It was so comfortable and it smelled like him too. We continued watching the movie until the scene where Ronnie and Will were in the car and she started to sing She Will Be Loved. At that moment Niall turned his head and looked at me. Then he leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for what seemed like ages until the doorbell rang. Niall got up to answer the door and when I heard the door open I heard a bunch of shouting. I quickly got up not sure if something was wrong or not. In came 4 boys, the rest of one direction. They all came in laughing until they saw me. The room fell silent. They all stared at me as if I were diseased. "what..." I thought out loud. Then i realized I still had the gash on my cheek. I quickly ran out of the room crying and locked myself in the nearest room I could find which ended up being a closet with a bunch of coats. 

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