Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

Y/Ns POV: I woke up on a couch. I wasn't in a hospital. Thank god I couldn't stand those. When I opened my eyes I heard a scream. Memories of what had happened flooded back to me. I started to cry. Then I saw Eleanor, her eyes were red and puffy. "El?" I asked sitting up but immediately got light headed and had to lay down again. I felt my forehead and could tell it was bandaged. My legs also had band aids all over them. "L-Louis! Louis! Get over here!" she shouted. Louis quickly rushed over and I could tell he had been crying too. He spoke very slowly, "Ok y/n I want you to very slowly, and very calmly explain what happened last night." I took a deep breath and explained EVERYTHING. I didn't leave out any details. When I finished

Eleanor was silently crying. She had been the whole time. Louis just nodded. "So you're pregnant y/n?" Louis asked. I slowly nodded my head. Louis sighed. "Well congratulations, I'm sorry I had to be the first one to say it to you. I really am happy for you but under the circumstances I don't think it's quite the moment to celebrate. Are you hungry? Do you want anything?" he said. "I'm a little hungry, and really thirsty. Some water would be great." I said quietly. Louis got up to get the water. Eleanor came and sat next to me. She rubbed my back while I sobbed. Then I realized something, where was he? Oh my god he could be anywhere. He could be getting mobbed and hes so claustrophobic. "E-El, El where's Niall? Is he okay?" I said the panic clearly showing in my voice. "Ssshhh. Ssshhh y/n he's fine. He's okay. He's with Liam and Danielle okay? He's fine." she said soothingly. Louis came back with come water and some toast with jam. "Thought id start you out with something light." he said handing me the plate. I ate and drank the entire glass of water. I immediately got really sleepy and fell asleep on El's couch while her and Louis watched a movie. As I closed my eyes, I saw Nialls face, and realized how hard life is going to be without him.

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