Chapter 29

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Me and Niall got home and I needed to find an excuse to go to a store to buy a test. When we got home I played it off and watched the CSI marathon with Niall. He knew i loved these kind of shows. At one point I got up and asked Niall if he was hungry. Being the person he is, he said he was. I asked him what he wanted and he said some popcorn or chips. When I looked in the pantry we didn't have popcorn. But we had chips. I quickly took the bag of chips and stuffed it underneath the sink in the very back so he wouldn't find it. "Niall babe we don't have either. I'll ru to the store real quick and be back k?" I told him as I put my shoes on. "No have its ok you don't have to. Come back and sit with me." he answered. Crap. Think y/n think I have to get to the store. "I um.. We also don't have anything to make dinner tonight. I'll just go get some stuff I'll be right back Niall." "Well ok.. Do you want me to come with you." ugh was he so sweet? This was really hard. "No Niall really it's fine I'll be back in less than 15 minutes ok?" "Well alright princess." he answered and with that I Ieft the house. I got to the store and picked up a couple of pregnancy tests because I had to be sure. I also picked up popcorn chips and some things to spaghetti with for tonight. I drive back to the flat and made it back in probably record time. I walked in and out the grocery bags on the counter. "Here love let me put those away." fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He's gonna see the tests. I quickly put all tests in bag and started walking towards the bathroom. "Ok! I'm just going to put the soap I bought away in the bathroom be right back!" "Ok love!" he shouted back as I went in the. bathroom and locked the door behind me. I sighed. That was really close. I went took all 5 of the tests i got and then waited for the results. 

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