Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:  

Y/N's POV: As I lay in bed I couldn't help but think of Niall. They way he talked, his perfect blue eyes with the small yellow flecks, his caring personality. He was just so... Perfect. Wait no I'm not ready to be in another relationship. I mean I just got dumped tonight. I can't afford to get my heart broken again, but Niall doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Niall seemed so familiar. Like I had seen him before. Then it hit me. He's from One Direction. My sister really liked that band but I never really got into it. The more I thought about the more I decided that i would give Niall a chance. I remember falling asleep to the memory of Nialls smile... *Next Morning* I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I saw that it was Niall and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Good Morning beautiful." his sweet Irish accent answered. "Haha good morning to you too, so what are the plans for today?" I said cooly. "I'll pick you up at around 12:30 and we'll head over for lunch. Then I was thinking maybe we could just hang out for the rest of the day?." I was focused on his voice I didn't notice he had stopped talking. "Hellooo?" "Oh uh yeah that sounds great see you then." you answered. We both said bye and then hung up. Okay now to get ready. I changed into my skinny jeans with a long loose fitting tank top. I added some white sandals and some silver bangles on my wrist. I did my make up lightly but put some emphasis on my brown eyes. I left my hair down in its long natural waves. "Perfect." I said to myself. Just then the doorbell rang.

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