Chapter 39

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Chapter 39:

Y/Ns POV: I got dressed in a pair of short washed out shorts that had lace on the side. I put on a mickey mouse crop top and a red tank top underneath. I left my long wavy hair down just the way the Niall liked it. I didn't really have a bump yet so I looked the same as always. I heard the doorbell ring and I immediately lost all my confidence. El went and opened the door and there he stood. Who I still believe to be the love of my life. Niall James Horan. He looked flawless as always. He was wearing his signature red polo shirt with khaki pants and some white supras. He looked the same way he did when he left me, except he had the same look that I had in my eyes. Empty, and abandoned. Louis awkwardly closed the door behind him. Me and Niall stood In front of each other. Me at one end of the hallway and him at the other. We just stood there looking at each other not speaking, not moving just standing there studying each other trying to figure out our feelings. We didn't even have to speak. At the exact same minute, as it our hearts had agreed it was time to fix this, we both started to run towards each other. I ran as if my life depended on it. We crashed into each other and he held me. I never thought I feel this way again. We embraced each other for what seemed like ages. Everyone else left to give us privacy. We then pulled away from each other and leaned our foreheads against each others. We were both crying. I don't know if they were tears of joy or not but we were. "Y/N," he whispered. "I love you. And I'm sorry." he choked on his last words. "I love you too Niall, and I'm sorry too." I answered. We didn't need to say anything else to knew we had forgiven each other. Then he kissed me and the feeling I loved came back to me. The way our lips moved toghether in perfect sync. The butterflies in my stomach going out of control. The tears were still streaming down our faces but at that moment I knew. I knew that this bond would never break. Our love would be eternal. If we could survive this then nothing else could break us. We were no longer two people but one. We pulled away from the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist and we began to slow dance. He started humming the tune to a very a familiar tune, "Beauty queen of only 18 she had some trouble with herself.." he began to sing. I completed the line "He was always there to help her she always belonged to someone else.." we took turns singing to each other as we danced in the hallway. At the end of the song Niall looked into my eyes and said "Y/N, I don't mind spending everyday on your corner in the rain. I'll make sure you never have a broken smile because I won let you become broken. You will be loved, by me. I love you." "I love you too Niall." and that moment I knew I had found what I had been searching for my whole life, the same love as the kind in the song. ~THE END~

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