Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

NIALLs POV: I helped her clean up her cut and then ran downstairs to look for something to help the swelling. I found a bag of peas so came back with that. She was sitting on the counter so we were at perfect eye level. I came back with the bag and gently put it on her cheek. I could see the relief in her face from the cold. We just sat there in silence in silence staring into each others eyes. How could I let this happen to her? Of all people. She just went through a break up and now this. It's all my fault. If I just hadn't left her... My eyes began to water and I looked at my feet. I couldn't stand to her like this knowing I could have done something to prevent it. "Niall love why are you crying? This isn't your fault please stop thinking that." u couldn't look her I'm the eyes. "Yes it is" I practically chocked on my own sobs. She put her finger under my chin to make me look at her. She looked me in the eyes and and whispered "I'll be okay, as long as youre here with me, ill be okay." She was so strong. Then almost like in the movies we both leaned in. It wasn't a hard kiss. It was very soft and gentle. I lingered my lips over hers as if I was asking for permission. She touched her lips to mine and it was almost as if there were sparks it was perfect. I wish I could have frozen that moment but, then I felt her flinch it must have been from the pain in her cheek.

Y/Ns POV: We both leaned in. His lips lingered over mine as if he were asking permission to kiss me. My pressed my lips to kiss and he kissed me gently. You know when people say that when you touch a person you love your supposed to feel "sparks"? I'd never felt that before with anyone. Except Niall. Right there I knew we had something special. Something that could never be broken. I suddenly felt pain shoot up my left cheek and flinched. He both pulled away and leaned out foreheads against each others. He pulled into a hug and we stay there hugging for the next 5 minutes. Just enjoying each others embrace.

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