Chapter 27

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NIALLS POV: I finished the song for her and she threw her herself at me and kissed me. I love the way she would smile into the kiss. I loved her so much. After a while we pulled away and she gave me a cheeky grin. She looked at the lake and then back at me. She smiled and yelled "last one in has to kiss the winner!" and winked at me. She ran to the edge of lame and took off all her clothes and jumped in the lake. I laughed and ran after her. I love it when she got these spontaneous streaks. I ran after her took off my clothes and jumped in the lake. We both splashed around until she said "Time to pay up loser." and tapped her cheek. "My pleasure." I answer cheering I leaned in to kiss her cheek and then at theist second she turns her head so I kiss her lips. We snorted for while until she started to shiver. It was really cold outside. "Hey princess why dont we head back?" she lightly nodded her head and I gave her my clothes and we walked back to the house. When we got back things started to get heated between us so we took it to the bedroom. It was a long beautiful night. 

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