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Your pov...
I sat next to a hospital bed in the most uncomfortable chair ever invented. The lights in the room gave off a depressing gloom, but so did the beeps of the machines. The blinds for the window were closed; the room was as dark as I could make it.
This was the sixth day I spent in this depressing dark room. Sam had few visitors. Her parents came, which I was sure they would be pissed at me. After all, the only reason she was hurt was thanks to the fact she was at my house. They walked in the room and hugged me, though. I was shocked. They thanked me for helping their little daughter. I couldn't say "you're welcome" for two reasons.
1. My voice was lost. After crying for almost 24 hours straight, my voice went out and cracked every time I tried to speak.
2. I didn't help her stay alive by being there. I helped lead her to her doom by being there.
So I just stayed silent.
A few maybe two classmates showed up. They gave both Sam and me our missed homework from the days we weren't there. Of course Sam wasn't able to do it. She hadn't woken up since the incident. The doctors said she was fine, just passed out because blood lost. She could wake up at anytime.
I heard the door open and someone step in. I assumed it was the nurse checking up on her, but then I heard a small voice. "Hey." I looked up to find where the soft noise came from.
I gasped as I saw the figure standing there, next to the hospital bed on the opposite side of me.
His white hair almost glowed in the small light of the room. His red eyes watched my every move and breath.
I jumped up. "What are you doing here, Subaru?"
I looked in his hands. He had two single roses. One red and one black. He walked around the bed and stopped when he got to my side. "He asked me to bring these. He's currently under a 24/7 watch by my brothers. If he wasn't, he'd bring these himself."
He handed me both roses. Now that they were closer, I saw the black one had a note wrapped around it.
"The red ones for Sam when she wakes up and the black one is for you." I listened to him while staring at the roses in my hands. I nodded and looked up to say thank you, but he was already gone.
I walked over to the table next to the bed and set down the red rose.
I carefully unwrapped the note off the black roses stem.
When I was about to read it, I took a deep breath knowing I'd either love of hate what was in this note.
My dearest y/n,
I must apologize for not being there when you need me most. I know you're struggling and mourning. I wish I could be there to hold you and tell you everything is alright. But as you know, I can't and probably won't be able to for.... A very long time. I am under strict super vision. I want you to know, I love you and am very sorry about this. It's for your safety. I couldn't live with myself if anything was to happen to you.
I love you,
Shu Sakamaki
I sighed and smiled. My vision went blurry as water filled my eyes. A single tear fell on the paper before I could move it. I set the note on the table and watched Sam. Well, not really 'watched Sam', I spaced out. I missed Shu. A lot actually.
I couldn't imagine what it'll be like going back to school. Its obvious that he would want me to act like I didn't know him. That pained me. In ways I never knew someone could hurt.
I sighed.
I was then pulled out of my thoughts by a hand touching mine. I looked down at it. Our hands were on the bed. The other persons arm was extremely pale. I followed the arm until I saw a face.
Sam looked around, worried. "What happened? Why am I here?" I smiled, jumped up, and hugged her. I tried not to squeeze too tightly so I didn't hurt her.
I pulled away and looked her dead in the eyes. "What do you last remember?"
Sam seemed confused and slightly shocked, but laid back a little more, trying to search her mind for the memories, regardless. "You had fallen asleep, so I got up to put in another movie since the one before was over." She paused for a second, seeming to think harder. "While I was searching through your movies, I heard a noise in the kitchen. I went to see what it was and before I could figure out what it was, something grabbed me." She looked to the covered window. "That's the last thing I remember."
I sighed. I'll probably have to tell her. I mean, it's SAM. She could keep a secret for years and have not a soul find out what it is.
"I have a lot to tell you. It may seem... Unbelieveable but I promise you, everything I'm about to say is very real."
Wow. I need to write more but since I'm out of school for summer I have a lot more time.

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