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Yuma explained how the others had found him and how he came to be here. Everything was silent. I looked over at Shu. He was deep in thought and then I glanced at Jeremiah and Sam. They were holding hands smiling at each other. Jeremiah lifted his and her hands and gave the back of Sams hand a soft kiss. He hugged her after. It was obvious he missed her. Yuma flinched at the contact of the two. "Jeremiah..." Jeremiah opened his eyes and glared. "Let me enjoy this." Yuma seemed uncomfortable with it. "You know, you can't push yourself..."
Jeremiah snapped, "I know, you've explained it over and over. I AM FINE." He hissed and pulled away from Sam. He refused to make eye contact with everyone and watched the people at other tables. Shu finally seemed to snap out of his daze. "So, now you go by Yuma?" Yuma's eyes narrowed. "Well, yeah. After your brother tried to kill me, I figured it'd be an idea to walk around with the name Edgar." Shu nodded in understanding. Jeremiah slowly glanced back. "Shu? Y/n? Sam?" He whispered, but loud enough for us to hear. "Yes?" I urge him to continue. "If you dont feel too uncomfortable, may I come back to living with you guys?" Yuma almost jumped up. "Absolutely not, Jeremiah!" He yelled, causing many eyes to look at us. Jeremiah glared at him, but looked back at us for an answer. Shu smiled happily. "Of course." He replied softly. Jeremiah smiled the brightest he had today. Yuma growled and looked at Shu. "Absolutely not!" He hissed. Shu glared at him. "Jeremiah wants to live with us. Don't hold him hostage." Shu shot back.
Yuma went silent and gave up fighting. He huffed and sat back down, looking at his coffee. He looked back up to see Shu drinking some of it. "How can you even drink that? It's fucking disgusting." Shu stopped drinking for a second. The cup was still to his lips and one eye was only partly open. "I find it delicious." Was all he said and he closed his eye and continued drinking.
Fun fact of today! (My wattpad friend suggested to do this once in a while)
I have over fifty drafts of stories I wanted to start/ finish on my wattpad but never did.

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