Later On In Life..

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I was not ready for this.
Hades, our german shepherd, barked loudly as the doorbell rang. Shu looked at me in worry. "You ready?" I asked him. He shook his head. Sweat was obvious on his forehead. I slowly walked to the door. This was the end of everything. Whoever was behind this door, we had to unwillingly trust the life of Elara, our daughter, to. I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. I froze. Outside the door was a pretty young girl. Her hair was a cute Mohawk and it was dyed a bright pink. She looked around Elara's age, sixteen, and she smiled brightly at me. Her lip piercing reflecting the sun a little. "Hello, Mrs.Sakamaki. Is Elara home?" I smiled a little, nodding. "Of course. Come in." I moved to let the young woman in. The girl was wearing a pink and black dress; a small bow sat upon her head. Shu looked surprised for a second. "I thought Elara had a date?" I chuckled and so did the girl. The girl walked up to Shu, bowing her head. "I am Tryton McCoy. It's nice to meet you, Mr.Sakamaki. I am Elara's date tonight. I hope that's okay." I watched as Shu froze. He suddenly smiled brightly. "Are you kidding? That's the best news I've gotten all week!"
I couldn't hold the laugh I so desperately wanted to hide. I looked at Tryton and shrugged. "He's been freaking out all week because he doesn't want his little girl to date a boy." I informed her. Shu smiled. "Boy's are evil."
We all stopped when we hear someone walk into the room. We all looked at her. Elara wore a short black dress with the skirt covered in bats. As Elara walked closer to us, we heard Tryton whistle, causing Shu and I to lose our shit laughing. Elara covered her face. "You both are so immature." She commented. Tryton took Elara's arm as they walked to the door. Tryton turned to us. "It was nice meeting you two. I will have her home by ten." I shrugged.
"Have her home whenever, after all..." I paused, flashing my fangs to her. "Vampired don't have cerfues."
We all laughed a little. Of course Tryton thought they were fake, but Elara and Shu knew no better. When we all clamed down, Shu cleared his throat.
"No seriously. Have her home by at most eleven."

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