BTS at a school report

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Jin: I'm gonna report about afro-asian literature.

Classmates: why is his visual aid filled with Mario stickers? and its all..... Pink?

Suga: ok listen up its my turn to--

Teacher: wheres your visual aid.

Suga: I'm too swag, visual aids are fohh weakk. Infires *puts on glasses and chainzzzz*

Classmates: i-infires?

J hope: hi guysue my reportue is aboutue the lifeu of horses.

Teacher: but your report is about snakes....

J hope: *whispers* i hateu snakue, now where were we? *smiles*

Classmates: his smile is brighter than my future T-T

Rapmon: good afternoon maam and classmates my report is about the importance of jams in life *brings out a projector and laptop* *projector breaks* *laptop cracked*

Teacher & classmates: *speech less*

Rapmon: good thing I have the visual ai-- *visual aid torn* well luckily i remembered everything *discussed the report* *nailed it* *got an  A+*

Jimin: hi~ my report is 'how to bake jam stuffed cookies' *brings out a huge ass visual aid filled with pictures*

Classmates: hey isn't that jungkook? *all stares at jungkook*

Taehyung: i am bwi~ bwi is gownna repowt abowt aliens.

Classmates & teacher: he's so cuteeeee~

Taehyung: hehhehe *scratches nape* bwi forgot visual aid.

Jungkook: *stares at classmates*

Classmates: *stares back*

Jungkook: read page 69, that's my report *bows*


Ayoo waddup its still me your sub-author SUNbaenim, sooo author-nim is still asleep. The boys are helping me take care of her. Anyways that's all🌞

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