BTS as cats

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Jin: "your always hungry cat", when you already finished feeding him he'll jump out of now where with his bowl in his mouth (^・ェ・^), PS. dont leave your food unattended.

Suga: "your cat that sleeps everywhere", literally EVERYWHERE(*'﹃`*), one time you saw him sleeping in the oven.

J hope: "your really loud cat", meows every freaking time(*'∀`).。o○, all the time, will stop if he wants to or if you give him his my little pony squeaky toy.

Rapmon: "your trouble some cat", breaks everything in yo house, scratches your sofa, breaks your figurines, gives you major head aches.༼(∩ ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡ ͡°)༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚ *head aches*

Jimin: "your cute kitten" , plumps on your belly while nudging his head on your arm and at the same time purring, its like: give me attention hooman compliment me.('-ω-')

Taehyung: "your weird cat", you can see him jumping up and down, chasing everything even if its an ant or a cockroach, weird part is he fetches and barks (ノ_-;)...

Jungkook: "youre the cat, he's the owner", just looks at you from the far corner while looking at you like you'd the pet and he's the owner.(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧

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