bts calling 911

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Jin: hello is this 911??

Operator: why yes sir, what seems to be the problem?

Jin: there's someone here I think their dead

Operator: okay calm down sir, can you please explain what happened?

Jin: well there was this fabulous looking guy who was looking in the mirror and then the other guy said he was gay because he was wearing pink. So the attractive guy got so fed up and hit the other guy's head with a pink frying pan.

Operator: okay sir we already tracked down your location help is on the way, stay calm.

Jin: oh please hurry iM VeRy ScArEd

Yoongi: Help help help me please!!!!

Operator: don't worry sir we tracked your location the police will be right there.

*After 10 minutes*


Yoongi: oh there you are, could you get the remote it's just right across the sofa.

Police: *flinches*

Operator: 911 here, what seems to be the problem?

Operator: hello is someone there?

Jhope: *already fainted when he spotted the theif*

Operator: uhmm okay...? *Hangs call*

RM: help me 911!!!

Operator: what happened sir?

RM: there are two people fighting here in front of me!!!

Operator: sir calm down help is on the---

RM: how can I calm down?!! The jamless one is winning!!!

Jimin: is this 911?

Operator: yes it is what seems to be the problem?

Jimin: oh a girl huh?

Operator: uhm yes sir? Is everything okay there?

Jimin: of course now that I heard your voice, say how bout I treat you to dinner once you get me an ambulance *flirtyue voicue*

Operator: *hangs up*

Tae: uhmm hello...?

Operator: hello sir, is there something wrong?

Tae: yeah I ordered fries, a mc burger and chicken nuggets, it's already 30 minutes and my order has still not arrived yet.

Operator: sir I think you got the wrong number, this is 911

Tae: oh you mean this isn't McDonald's?

Operator: no sir

Tae: yah jungkook-ah do you know any girl whose name is 911?

Operator: 911 here how may I assist you?

Jungkook: are you dating taehyung?

Operator: uhmm who?

Jungkook: back off bish he's mine *ends call*

Operator: *confused*

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