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"Dude, what they did is unacceptable. It was disgusting and I am disappointed in what they did." Amelia says, shaking her head, then crossing her legs up on the table she is currently sat on.

"It was so gross, I can't believe they would even think about doing that?" Aimeeleigh says, from her perch on Mr Park's desk.

"What did they do?" Mr Park asks, from the board, where he is currently writing the date for tomorrow.

"They put water in the bin, then took the bag out and tried to pour it over us in the bathroom." Amelia explains, glancing up at him from the homework she is attempting.

"I'll give them detention for a week, that's absolutely disgusting." Mr Park says, putting the chalk down and walking over to his desk. He happens to glance over at Aimeeleigh's paper and notice that she wrote the wrong sign, "That's supposed to be a minus not a plus." He points out to her, poking the paper.

"Ah shoot. You're right." She responds, before changing her answer quickly.

"Wait. If you give them a detention for a week, we'll be stuck in detention with them." Amelia says, making Mr Park and Aimeeleigh look up at her.

"Oh shit, yeah. That wouldn't be good." He responds, clicking his fingers, to which both girls gasp loudly, he gives them a questioning glance before realising, "Oh fuck, crap I did it again. I'm sorry."

"Ha. Mood." Amelia says.

"I'll just set their detention to be with Mr Choi." Mr Park responds, ignoring Amelia's comment.

"No don't do that." Amelia says.

"Why not?" Mr Park asks.

"Youngjae is too good for them. Give them Mrs Song instead." Aimeeleigh says.

"Okay. Mrs Song it is." Mr Park says, sighing and typing something into his computer. Amelia's phone buzzes, so she looks at it and smiles at the message she received. She then looks up at Mr Park, who is focused on his computer, then at Aimeeleigh, who is focused on her maths homework.

"Yo. Be right back, gotta piss." Amelia states, before getting off the table and walking out of the room.

"The fuck? She never pisses at school." Aimeeleigh mumbles.

"If you don't use the toilet at school, why were you in the toilet?" Mr Park asks, making Aimeeleigh go red and stutter out a response.

"Well, erm, I, um. Lady problems?" She says, questioning her own answer.

"Oh, I see." He replies, before clearing his throat and looking back at his computer. Aimeeleigh looks up at him quickly, but does a double take, because his side profile was fucking beautiful. Meanwhile, Amelia is walking through the corridor, then gets pulled into a storage cupboard, by the hand. As soon as the door closes, Mr B's lips are attached to Amelia's.

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