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"Yo, Rocky, aren't you cold? It's like minus twelve degrees out and you're legit just wearing a fricking muscle tee. What's the crack?" Aimeeleigh comments, after everyone greets each other. The two Brits met up with the others in their usual café, around five minutes ago.

"Nah, I came here straight from the gym and I'm still kinda sweaty." He responds, making her nod her head.

"Didn't you say your sister was coming MJ, where is she?" Amelia questions looking around at the six lads, trying to spot another female in the group, but failing.

"She's gonna join us soon, she just stopped to look at the BTS merch." JinJin states, after coming back from ordering everyone's drinks.

"So, lads, what's new?" Moonbin asks, looking around at everyone.

"Amelia is fucking one of our teachers." Aimeeleigh replies, casually looking up from her notebook in which she is writing an essay for English that she waited till last minute to do.

"You're what?"

"Isn't he like old?"

"Ew, all of our teachers are old enough to be our parents."

"Grandparents more like."

"Nah, he's twenty, he isn't a proper teacher, he's just a student teacher." Amelia answers, as all of the drinks are brought out and placed on the tables they are currently occupying.

"Yo, lads, sorry I'm late." A girl exclaims entering the shop, and walking over to the kinda large group of people. She trips a little on the way, but chuckles about it as she reaches the table, "Lmao, did you guys see that?"

"Amelia, Aimeeleigh, this is Aliyah. Aliyah, this is Amelia and Aimeeleigh." Eun Woo introduces the girls to each other.

"You alright?" Aimeeleigh states, nodding her head.

"What's up, dude?" Amelia says, also nodding her head.

"Hi." Aliyah says, waving at them.

"Just quickly going back to the last conversation: some cheeky input for ya, a good amount of our teachers are hot as heck, like not even kidding." Aimeeleigh reveals, as Amelia nods her head in agreement.

"Let me hit up their Instagram pages to prove it." Amelia says, grabbing her phone off the table.

"By the way, this is your drink Aliyah." Sanha says, grabbing one of the drinks from the table and passing it to her.

"Oh my god, jazz juice. Ugh, I have been deprived." She states, taking a long sip from it and sighing with satisfaction.

3:00 A.MWhere stories live. Discover now