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Amelia rocks up to the meeting place and notices Jaebum in his usual work attire.

"Why the hell did I have to get changed smh??" She exclaims, making the man jump.

"Dude, don't fucking sneak up on me like that." He responds, holding a hand to his chest, "Anyway, I'm not going in a fucking school uniform. That's why you had to get changed. Imagine what would happen if they found out this was our cover. Come on, you aren't dim."

"Woah there, calm ya tits man." She responds, holding her hands out in front of her.

"Let's just go to the car." He responds, sighing loudly. She rolls her eyes at him, but wonders why she finds him so fucking hot whilst he lowkey mad.

They quickly get to the car and Jaebum opens the passenger door to his matte black g wagon. She nods her head in appreciation, before hopping in. He leans over her, surprising her,, she then notices that he has the seatbelt in his hand. She opens her mouth to let him know that she can whack her seatbelt on by herself.

"Before you even fucking start, I'm already doing it. Alright?" He states, making her swallow. Hard.

He looks up at her and they make strong ass eye contact. His eyes trail down her face and land on her lips. He swallows. Hard. Her own eyes trail down the smooth surface of Jaebum's face, her gaze landing on his lips. Memories of the one kiss they shared awhile back flicker through their minds.

Jaebum then stands up straight, clearing his throat rather aggressively, but is stopped suddenly by the feeling on his head crashing into the roof of the car.

"Fuck me." He mutters out, rubbing his hand against his head.

"Gladly." Amelia responds, making them look at each other once again. Jaebum cuts this eye contact off hastily, shaking his head and muttering something about being late, whilst slamming the car door.

3:00 A.MHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin