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Amelia and Aimeeleigh look up as the café door opens and six young males walk in. Aimeeleigh gasps, as she recognises all of them.

"Oh my god. Fancy seeing them here." Amelia says, gaining the attention of the group.

"Amelia? Aimeeleigh? Wow, we haven't seen you two for like a month." MJ exclaims, looking over at the two.

"We literally thought you guys got deported or something." Moonbin states, making the girls laugh.

"Nah dude, we've been in detention since like forever, you know how it is." Aimeeleigh responds, shrugging her shoulders.

"Why am I not surprised?" JinJin says, then they all laugh. The boys get their drinks and join the two girls. They all sit joking around for a couple hours. At one point, Amelia was resting her head on Sanha's shoulder, so Aimeeleigh takes a cheeky snap of them for a later date. About half hour after the picture was taken, Amelia gets a text, then clears her throat.

"I've, erm, gotta go and call my mum. See ya later." Amelia says, getting up and leaving the café. Aimeeleigh holds her hand to her heart and gasps.

"The bitch fucking left me." Aimeeleigh whispers.

"Dude, we're all right here." Rocky states, pretending to be offended.

"Bro. She just upped and left. This has never ever (wink wonk) happened before." Aimeeleigh says, actually offended.

"Oh, you'll be fine. When do you have to be back at the dorm? We'll walk you there." Eun Woo offers.

"Five, we've got like half an hour. Anyway, what were we doing?" Aimeeleigh questions, having forgot the previous conversation.

Meanwhile, Amelia walks down the road and climbs into the black 1967 Chevy Impala. As soon as she puts her seatbelt on, the car shoots off down the road. As they reach a red light, Mr B looks over to her and shoots her a cheeky wink, before speeding away before the lights change. (What a fucking daredevil) They reach Mr B's home faster than they should have, because of Mr B's excessive speeding.

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