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"Lads, we've got a hecking problem. They're fucking onto us, they know that we are hecking dodgy as shit." Yugyeom yells, after storming into Mark and Youngjae's apartment.

"Who the fuck do you think you are swearing like that?" Jinyoung questions raising his eyebrows, with a stern expression coming over his face. 

"Actually, what Jinyoung meant to say was: what the fuck did you do to your fucking face?" Jaebum asks, glaring at the metal now placed in Yugyeom's nose.

"If you think this is bad, you should see the girls." 

"Say fucking what?" Bambam and Jinyoung both say, snapping their heads towards the youngest in the room, then simultaneously storming out the door.

"Shit, wasn't supposed to say that. Lmao oh well." Yugyeom mutters, before walking over to the fridge and rummaging for something to eat.

"Right, you need to back track and fricking explain the whole 'they know we're hecking dodgy' thing." Youngjae says, running a hand through his hair, a worried expression covering his face.

"Oh, yeah. Earlier when I was with them, they were like chatting about how Jinyoung and Bambam were being dodgy shits during the week and ow they're going on a strike from talking to both of them." Yugyeom's reply is muffled by the fridge.

"Yug, this is serious now. They can't know. Ever. We can't do that to them. We shouldn't have even got closer to them than them being our students." Mark states, making Yugyeom look up from the fridge.

"Oof, this be getting serious. They're going back to England in just over two months. They'll be fine." Yugyeom replies, turning towards them and pushing the fridge closed with his elbow.

"They might not be." Jaebum states, as his phone starts ringing.

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