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"Amelia, I've gotta go to Jaebum's place for something, do you wanna come or are you gonna stay here?" Bambam asks, making Amelia glance up from the cat she was playing with.

"Oh, I'll come with. Your house is fucking terrifying." She replies, standing up and wiping her hands down her jeans. Bambam nods his head, then motions for her to follow him. Due to Bambam's erratic driving the couple make it to Jaebum's house in about 10 minutes. As soon as they get in his house Amelia is on the floor playing with Jaebum's cats, Bambam smiles at her childlike behaviour, before he and Jaebum leave the room to talk business. Normally, Amelia would be curious about this, but she doesn't even realise because of the adorable ball of fur on her lap.

Around 10 minutes later, they re-enter the room where Amelia is, Bambam not-so-secretively stuffing a thick envelope in the inside pocket of his jacket. The teenager doesn't notice, her full attention and focus on the fluffy animals surrounding her.

"Babe, we can go now." Bambam says, to which Amelia shakes her head.

"No." She simply responds, not even looking up at him.

"What?" He asks, "We've gotta go, you need to get back to the dorms soon."

"No, no. Cat first. Bed later." She responds.

"Amelia, I'll get Aimeeleigh to have a cup of tea and a bowl of noodles ready for when you get there." He states, making her look up at him.

Staring him dead in the eye she exclaims, "Cat." Bambam shakes his head, as she goes back to stroking one of the four cats. He gets his phone out and dials Aimeeleigh's number.

"Ugh, what do you want? You know, because of you I have to sit in the bathroom with the shower running twice as long as usual, just to pretend that Amelia is here so Mrs Song doesn't get curious." Aimeeleigh grumpily explains, the shower running in the background backs up her statement.

"I brought Amelia around to Jaebum's and now she's refusing to leave. How do I get her to leave?" Bambam questions, completely ignoring the girls complaint, she sighs before answering.

"I dunno. Like offer her tea or noodles." Is the response, which is followed by a yawn.

"Already tried that, can't you think of anything actually useful." He grumbles.

"Oi, you cheeky sod. I'm here, putting myself out on the line, to make sure that the fact you are getting your leg over stays quiet. The least you can be is thankful." She angrily responds, before hanging up the phone.

"Fuck." He whispers, running a hand through his hair, he quickly redials her number, immediately apologises when she answers.

"Why don't you just leave her there?" Aimeeleigh questions, to which Bambam sighs and shakes his head, even though she can't see it.

"I can't." He replies, earning a thump on the arm from Jaebum.

"Why not? I'm sure Mr Im is perfectly capable of ensuring she gets home safely." She states.

"I'm the reason that she's here, I should at least be decent enough to get her home." He answers, after a moment of thought.

"Then, I'm afraid I'm fresh out of ideas. Sorry Mr B, but I cannot help." She says, before hanging up once again.

"Just leave her here. I'll reschedule the you know what." Jaebum mutters.

"Fine, but I swear to God, if the you know what still goes ahead and she gets hurt. It'll be you I'm after. Not them." Bambam whispers in response, then kisses Amelia on the head and leaves.

"Yo, be a darling and make me some noodles." Amelia suddenly speaks up, sending kisses over to Jaebum, who sakes his head, but heads towards the kitchen.

3:00 A.MWhere stories live. Discover now