Chapter 2

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Mrs. G's POV:

"Ok class get ready to line up for lunch, remember Jason is the line leader today" I say to all the hungry children ready to run down to the lunchroom and grab a bite to eat.

"I WANNA BE LINE LEADER" One of the kids, Connor, yells. Connor has had problems with anger in the past, I don't know how his parents deal with it.

"Connor you can be line leader tomorrow ok? I promise"

"I WANNA BE LINE LEADER NOW!" He yells again, I slowly start backing away from him as I can tell he's getting angry.

I shouldn't be backing away from this kid. He's in second grade for heavens sake.

"Connor I promise tomorrow you can be line leader ok?"

"NO!!!" He yells and storms out of the classroom, I can't run after him, I can't leave the class here alone so I decided to stay with them.

"Class you can go to lunch, remember single file line please" I tell them, they start to line up and I follow them down the hall while looking around trying to look for Connor but I don't see him anywhere.


Once the kids are at lunch I go to the teachers lounge to eat and to get some advice on this kid. Once I get in there the other second grade teachers are already eating and having a chat, one of them waves to me and mentions for me to sit down and I come to join them.

"Hey Mrs. G it's nice to see you, we're just discussing about some kids that may need some extra help" One of the teachers, Mrs. Hamilton says.

"Oh that's perfect, who are you talking about?"

"Well we've been noticing this kid, Evan Hansen, he's been having a lot of issues with making friends" She replies.

"That poor thing isn't doing very well in the classroom either, he's struggling with his reading" Another teacher, Mr. Laurens, joins in.

"Well I also have a kid with a lot of issues too. His name is Connor Murphy and I think he has some anger issues, he doesn't seem to be making a lot of friends either" I reply.

"Well maybe we could have the counselor talk to them or something" Mrs. Hamilton suggests, I nod.

"Yeah that could work, make them feel like someone cares about them"

"Wait wait wait wait you said Connor has anger issues right? Like how bad are those anger issues? Cause he might need more professional help" Mr. Laurens says. I sigh.

"Well he does yell a lot in class and sometimes he throws things at other people... lets just start with the counselor and see how everything goes from there" I reply and everyone seems to nod and agree with me.

"I'll talk to the counselor right away, you guys can go ahead and pick up your classes from the lunch room" Mrs. Hamilton says as Mr. Laurens and I head out the door to go and find our classes.


Once the class and I arrive back to the classroom Connor is already in there, sitting right by the class printer. I go to sit back in my desk and as soon as I do pain suddenly rushes throughout my body and my leg starts swelling up. I look on the ground and I find a broken printer, I look up and see Connor running out of the room while everyone else is running around screaming. As soon as I know it the nurse and principal come in and help me up, they escort me outside the building while another teacher looks after the class. I can barley walk, I am completely confused about what just happened.

How can a little second grader act like this? Is this all a dream? Is this whole entire day just a dream? Or does this kid just have really bad anger issues?

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