Chapter 22

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Jared's POV:

I walk through the horrible doors of hell and I walk up to Evan, he's in his normal spot like always, by the corner right by the janitors closet. I go to sit next to him.

"Hey Hansen whats up? Aren't you happy it's Friday?" I say while giving him a friendly nudge, he pulls away.

"Hey Jared could you like just... I don't know just leave my alone for today? I-I'm sorry I just need alone time" Evan says, I slowly back away from him and start to stand up, embarrassed.

"Oh... yeah sure no that's fine" I reply and start to walk away, I go to the main entrance of the school where everyone hangs out in the morning.

I don't need Evan right? Surly not... I mean I can talk to other kids.

I walk up to this kid Jeremy's group of friends, well friend, he's sitting with his only friend Michael.

"Hey guys" I say, Michael happily welcomes me for some odd reason.

"Oh hey! It's Jared right?" He says, I nod.

"We were just talking about our teachers, they can be so mean sometimes" Jeremy says, I laugh.

"Tell me about it, and the students too"

"Yeah... we've been called gay a couple of times and we're only in 6th grade like isn't that a high school thing?" Michael replies.

I can't help but not laugh, these two do act pretty gay, especially Michael. We laugh for a little while until the bell rings and we're forced to go to class.

I just hope I wasn't as awkward as I thought and I hope Evan is ok, even though I hate him slightly.


Today in social studies we are starting a group project and guess what, we get to choose our groups fun right? Nope. Here I am talking to everyone, trying to find a partner but nothings working, like always. If they're nice they'll say oh sorry I already have one but if not they'll just simply walk away. So now I'm here, standing in the middle of the classroom trying to look confident.

You can do this Jared, you can find a partner without having to ask the teacher to find one for you.

"Hey Jared do you need a partner?" Our teacher asks while walking up to me, I sigh.


"I uhhh well-"

He cuts me off. "Well I'm sure those ladies over there wouldn't mind if you joined them" He says while pointing over to the popular girls group, I put on a fake smile.

"Y-Yeah sure..." I say while walking over to sit down with them, once I come over they look at my weirdly but then they see the teacher and just go along with it. They smile and act like they'll happily welcome me but I know that's a lie, they'll just have me do all the work for them.

"Oh hey Jared, see we're really busy tonight and-" One begins to say but I cut her off.

"Oh yeah that's fine I'll just do it"

The girls smile and hand me the instructions then go on and talk about their own stuff, I sigh.

Well looks like no one is gonna accept me in this school today, oh don't I love life?

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