Chapter 30

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Evan's POV:

The musical was horrible, no one showed up the other show nights so it was basically a big flop. Ms. Diction told us that she thought we did amazing but we all know that's a lie. I don't think Ms. Diction is going to direct another school musical anytime soon.

Jared and I are walking down the hall when we are suddenly stopped by a group of populars, I look up at them. A slight smile slides across his face, his teeth are stained yellow and his breath smells like someone has just thrown up and puked all over the floor.

"Hey losers" He says, spit flying out of his mouth as he does.

"Hey" Jared says, trying to act all confident but I know the truth, he's not.

"I saw you in the play" One of the big, muscular guys says, Tom.

"O-oh really?" Jared replies.

"Yeah, Captain Hook or should I say, Captain I can't remember my lines" Tom says.

"You couldn't do any better" Jared replies.

They all laugh, I slowly back away.

"Oh that's a funny joke nerd" Tom replies then he grabs me by my shirt and pulls me into his face, his breath pools onto my face, I try to hold my breath.

"I haven't forgot about you, puke boy" Tom says and throws me against the lockers. My arm slams against the locker, pain rushes through my body in almost an instant. I try to hold back tears, I can feel something tug on me and I fight back.

"Evan it's just me, now come on we need to get out of here while we can" Jared whispers.

I nod and start to head out of the hallway, Jared at my heels.


Today Jared and I have a swimming class after school today, our parents thought I'd be a nice skill for us to learn and I really don't know how I feel about this.

I walk over to Jared's front door and knock, Jared answers, his goggles resting on his head, swim trunks on and a T-shirt. He is holding a bag with his regular clothes in it and pool toys, he's all prepared but of course I'm not. All I brought is my regular clothes to change into when we're done, swim trunks, and goggles.

"Ready for me to beat you in swimming Hansen?" Jared says, I laugh.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen" I say and start walking to the car, Jared follows me.

Once we get there mom signs us in, we're told to go into the back dressing rooms then head out that way to the pool. Once Jared and I get to the pool there is a few kids waiting and an instructor, the instructor smiles and us and tells us to sit on the edge of the pool and wait for class to start.

I didn't know there'd be this many people here, I can't swim in front of them and embarrass myself.


Swimming was horrible, the only thing we did was introduce ourselves and our instructor showed us to do the most basic move called bobs where you dip your head into the water then pull it back out. And that's literally all we did, that's it.

Jared and I walk into the locker rooms and go to our lockers, I grab my bag out. Jared grabs out his and starts taking off his swim trunks right away.

Jesus Jared aren't you even the slightest bit uncomfortable about this whole, changing in front of other people situation. I mean I'd personally go into one of the bathroom stalls and do it but our instructor said the stalls are only for going to the bathroom and if you get caught changing in there you'll be in big trouble and I'd rather not deal with that so I guess I'll have to change right in front of Jared.

Jared looks at me, I just stare at him, he's completely naked head to toe.

"Hansen what are you looking at? Have you never seen a dick before?"

"No it's just, you just changed in front of me"

"Yeah so? This is a locker room Hansen"

"I guess"

Jared throws on his clothes, he looks at me. I stare at the ground at my bag of clothes.

All you have to do is change in front of Jared.

"Are you scared Hansen?"

"No" I reply.

"Then why are you just staring at the ground?"

"I-I'm not"

"You clearly are"

"I'm not" I say and look straight at him.

"Well you were"

"But I'm not anymore" I say while starting to pull down my pants, I try to look away from Jared.

"Jesus" Jared says.


"Your dick is like the size of a grapefruit"

"Why are you looking at my dick?" I say while pulling on some underwear.

"I don't know"

"Jared I swear to god you're so weird"

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