Chapter 4

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Connor's POV:

I walk out of the house for the 3rd day of school with Zoe at my side. I walk ahead of her not talking cause I don't want to, all I want to do is be at home but no, I'm here at school on August 16th while everyone else doesn't go back until early September. Once we make it to school I walk to my first class leaving Zoe behind at the elementary school with her band friends. Zoe has always been one of the populars, not the mean populars, just one of those people everyone knows about but who isn't mean. Most people don't know that Zoe even has a brother and when they find out they usually have no idea who I am or I'm just known as the kid who threw that printer at Mrs. G in second grade. Either way I don't care, I don't want attention anyway. Once the bell rings to go to class I'm already in my seat along with that Evan kid and that Jared kid, they seem ok but I'm not gonna bother to talk to them they'll probably just make fun of me and then my newly found anger issues will arise. Once the bell rings to start class Mrs. Schuyler gets up from her desk and starts passing out big packets.

Great... now we have homework...

"Today class we will be starting our first unit and these are your note packets, you will have one for every single unit and they will be very helpful study tools for tests" she explains as she finishes passing out everything, I sigh and just rest my head on my desk trying to zone out. Soon I feel someone tapping on my back, I look back to see the Jared kid sitting there.

"Hey would you fucking stop? I'm trying to sleep" I say then rest my head on the desk again, Jared taps me again and my anger slowly creeps throughout my body.

Don't explode Connor, your doctor told you not to explode. Don't explode.

I turn around and silently give Jared the signal that he needs to stop but that doesn't work because he does it a second later.

I don't understand the joy in annoying someone, why does annoying people bring joy to some people? I explode.

"I SAID STOP ASSHOLE" I yell. Suddenly everyone is silent and the teacher walks over to us.

"Go to the principles office, both of you" Mrs. Schuyler says calmly.

"But I didn't do anything besides poke him in the back" Jared replies.

"Go" Mrs. Schuyler replies more firmly than before.

Jared and I sigh and head down to the office together, Jared speaks first.

"You know you could have kept quiet and just politely asked me to stop but no"

"I HAVE ANGER ISSUES OK?" I reply. Jared steps away from me a bit.

"Whoa ok sorry I didn't know. You know sometimes I forget I'm annoying to a lot of people but it's just my personality"

"Your personality is to be annoying?" I reply with a little laugh in my voice.

"Yeah besides being insanely cool that's the second thing I do best I guess and I guess that's why I have no friends and no one likes me but you know it's fine I don't care"

"You know Jared, I really hate you and I guess I'll always remember that about you"

"And I'll always remember you as being the insane anger issues kid"

We both have a laugh then head into the principals office, not speaking to each other and just accepting our fate of getting yelled at in about 5 minuets.


I stare at the ground while I wait for Zoe to get out of school, the elementary goes 10 minuets later than the middle school and of course I'm the one that has to pick up Zoe. Once the bell rings Zoe comes running out and comes up to me all ready to go. Again, I take the lead and I don't talk to her the whole way home. Once we get home Zoe runs inside and I follow her. When I get inside the sent of onions hits my nose and I sigh.

Mom must be making her famous chicken noodle with onion soup again, she knows I hate soup but she doesn't care because everyone else in this stupid family does.

I go up to my room for a little bit and I grab my iPod, I look through the comments of my Instagram page and read them.

"Connor Murphy seems to be in his emo phase, he looks like a dork"

"Heard he had some issues in Mrs. Schuyler's class today, he sounds like a monster. No wonder he has no friends"

"Whenever a teacher is mad we can just blame it on him, it's most likely his fault with his anger issues and everything..."

I sigh and lay on my bed in sadness and anger, tears stream down my face as I put my phone down.

There's absolutely nowhere I can escape, everyone hates me. Everything is always my fault, they're right, I am a monster.


"Connor come eat! You don't want your food to get cold!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen, I sigh and walk downstairs to join the rest of the family at our dinner table. I look at the soup and sigh.

"Connor just eat it" Dad says in a stern manner. "I don't want your anger issues to come up so just eat it"

I sigh and slowly take a bite, trying not to puke. I only take a couple sips before I ask mom for one of my favorite drinks, milk.

"Hey mom can I have some milk?" I ask her.

"Only if you eat more of your soup first" she says.

"I've already had plenty of bites" I reply, my anger slowly rising with every word.

"Connor just take another bite" Dad says while reading the newspaper.


"Connor sweetie please calm down" Mom says calmly but it doesn't work.


"HEY" Dad yells.

"CONNOR WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT KIND OF LANGUAGE, GET BACK DOWN HERE" Mom yells after me as I run upstairs back to my room, before I shut the door I can hear Zoe crying and yelling.


I pause for a moment lost in thoughts.

She's right. Why do I have to ruin everything? Why can't I just be normal for once?

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