Chapter 9

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Connor's POV:

Super girl and the invisible boy. Zoe is just getting all the attention right now, I think my parents are ignoring me because of my anger issues. Yet again maybe this is a good thing? I mean my grades are horrible because I don't understand anything in class and I need extra help, but since mom and dad seem to be ignoring me they're not that worried about my grades. Oh and basically everyone at school ignores me, or they bully me and I couldn't care that much. I've always been bullied so I'm just used to it now I guess, and now with all my black clothing I'm being called emo and I really don't care. I'm just kinda in a funk right now and don't care about my life.

I'm lost in thought on my bed, figuring out weather I should make an Instagram account or not.

I mean maybe it'll be good to get an Instagram, so I can actually have a life somewhere. Maybe it can be a little escape from my actual life?

My finger hovers over the button labeled 'sign up', I'm hesitant to click it but I finally do. I read the first thing.

'Email or phone number'

Fuck I don't have an email and I don't want this app to have my phone number, guess I'll have to creat an email.

I sigh as a grab out my old crappy laptop my parents got me for Christmas, the only thing you can do on it is watch YouTube and go on google chrome. I open up chrome and search '' and the website pops right up. My mouse hovers over the 'sign up' button and I create my account, After that I grab my phone and return to my Instagram sign up deal. I enter in my email and add in a username, the same exact username I used for my gmail except it's without the whole part. Once I create the account it wants me to put in a profile picture, I decide to just grab a photo of milk from the internet and put that as my profile picture.


I stare at my newly made Instagram page for a while, quite proud actually, before I go and find people to follow. I decide to follow some fan pages for this new YouTube channel I started watching called 'The milk man' , the dude basically just posts videos about milk and got kinda popular out of it. After I followed a few people the stupid Instagram app made me post something, so I just posted a photo of a milk jug. A second later my door opens and my mom walks into my room, I sigh.

"Hey Connor what are you doing?" She asks.

"Why do you care?"

"Look I know it may seem like I'm ignoring you sometimes but I do care"

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever..."

"Well anyway I was just coming in to check on you and tell you that dinner will be ready in a few minutes"

"Ok bye"

Mom sighs and turns to leave, shutting the door being her. I look back at my iPhone 4, seeing if I have any new notifications from Instagram.


I sigh.

It's gonna be a while before people actually start to notice me.


I'm walking in the halls at school when suddenly I'm pushed into the wall by some kid, I try to push him away but he doesn't budge.

"Hey do you mind I'm trying to get to class" I say while trying to push him out of the way again, only to feel more pressure build up around me.

What are there multiple people here now?

"We found your Instagram emo" I hear one of them say, I can feel anger start to rise throughout my body.

"What Instagram?" I say, acting like I don't know anything.

"Connorsmilk" The other one says as he pulls out his tiny little iPod.

"Isn't this you?" He says showing me my newly made Instagram page.

"No" I quickly deny it.

"Are you sure?" Another guy adds in.

"YES I'M SURE" I say as my anger rises even more.

"I don't think he's sure" Another one says then they all start laughing.

"I'M SURE" I say while punching one of them in the face, everyone freezes for a moment then they all scream.

"MONSTER" Someone yells, everyone starts running around the hall trying to get to class. Shoving people out of the way as needed, only to avoid one person.


Sorry for not updating this story for a while, I've been super busy this week with music camp and everything but I'm glad I've finally gotten back to this story. Also the sequel to Broken Hearts - TreeBros should be out soon I just need to get the cover for that finished, my friend is working on the art for it and they're trying really hard to finish it so I don't want to rush them. For now I'll keep updating this story for you guys so you'll have something to read but I'm also really excited for when I get to share the sequel with you guys.

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