Chapter 40

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A few weeks later...

Evan's POV:

I've been out of the hospital for about a week now and I'd say I'm recovering well. My first day back to school after the accident is tomorrow and trust me I am not looking forward to going back with a bulky set of crutches under my arms but if I don't use them mom and the doctor will kill me. I guess my situation could be worse, I could still be in the hospital. But if I was still in the hospital I wouldn't be going back to school now would I?

I finish writing my final thoughts in the bright blue journal mom bought me as a get well soon gift.

"You can use it to write down all your problems" Mom said.

And yeah I guess it's useful to write all my problems down in but what if mom comes into my room and starts picking through my things like some crazy mom and reads all the stuff that I write in my journal.

I push away the thought, set my journal down on my bedside table, and drift to sleep.


The bell rings and first period starts, I try my best to stay awake. I kept waking up in the middle of the night last night because I kept worrying about school and people asking me so many questions about my accident and everything. So far no one has asked me anything, which is good cause that's what I want. Jared taps me on the shoulder, I turn around.

"Hansen you look like you're about to pass out" Jared says.

"I am" I reply.

"Do you wanna go to the nurse or something? I'll walk you down so I can get out of class"

"I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night I'm fine honestly" I say.

Jared gives me the look, the look that says 'I'll give you a twenty if you get me out of this class'.

"Fine I'll go to the nurse but you better give me something in return for this" I say.

"I'll give you five dollars" He replies.


"Fine ten"


"Hansen ten is my final offer you dick"

"Fine" I say.

I grab my crutches from the walk and walk over to our teachers desk my hands start to sweat and shake like always, the teacher gives me a smile.

"Hey Evan I'm glad to see you're back!" She says.

"I-I am too"

"Do you need anything? Do you want your homework from the last couple weeks?"

Homework is definitely not the first thing on my mind right now.

"Uhh no I was actually..."

"Actually what?"

"I-I'm not feeling the best right now and I'd like to go to the nurse if I can"

"Oh yes of course, do you need anyone to go with you?"

Honestly I don't even know why they still ask you this question but they do. I mean we're in high school now but at this school they still treat you like 1st graders.

"I-I was-" I get cut off by Jared.

"I will" Jared says with the trashcan in his hand and everything.

"Oh great! Let me get you two a pass and you can go to the nurse" Our teacher says. She signs a bright yellow pass and hands it to us. I take it and Jared and I walk out of class down to the nurses office.

"See Hansen I'm just too good at this stuff" Jared says.

"I guess"

"Now when we get in there actually act sick so I can stay in there longer ok?"

"But-" I get cut off.

"No buts Evan"


"I'm a dick I know"

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